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Dueling Flash...

Marxist ßastard

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...You should know the drill... If you're going to post to this thread, you must provide a direct link to a comical flash movie (Therefore, a link to the root of a site such as Homestarrunner or Newgrounds would be very, very, bad indeed). Each new poster should try to top the last, giving a link leading to a better film.


I'll start off basic enough... Tales for the 1337 presents... Hamlet (15 mins, 4.0 Mb).

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Here is one from homestarrunner.com


If you are english, and lacking in your sense of humor don't click on the above link.


One for anime fans (Me!!) also from homestarrunner



And of course Smurfs the Lost Episode from starterupsteve. Warning! Mature Sexual Themes

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