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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Lot of teddies video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjSp9LHeTBk


There's some clipping/stretching between the right boot and the left leg that I hope to get cleared up. I'v decided he needs a vest with a sheriffs star on it. Then the re-textures and it will hopefully be done.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Is the current ESP the one on the private board?

Scratchbuilt Island world editing is a major PITA to do from scratch, but on the bright side it makes everything else GECKwise look small. :teehee:


The one on the private board is lower, I'm on version 10 which has new bots (heavy protectron, teddy maybe others). But I woudn't sweat it. It's easier if you do your own esp and then I merge it. That way when I merge it to the current mod I don'[t have to worry about any duplicate records (yet, at some point it will become an issue though). But if you don't want to do the worldspace/outside I can make that for you. Or if you want to make it yourself, but were thinking later on down the line, then you can just make the interior. The showcase is pretty flexible. It's basically so we can show stuff off without crossing all the T's and dotting the I's.

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Is the current ESP the one on the private board?

Scratchbuilt Island world editing is a major PITA to do from scratch, but on the bright side it makes everything else GECKwise look small. :teehee:


The one on the private board is lower, I'm on version 10 which has new bots (heavy protectron, teddy maybe others). But I woudn't sweat it. It's easier if you do your own esp and then I merge it. That way when I merge it to the current mod I don'[t have to worry about any duplicate records (yet, at some point it will become an issue though). But if you don't want to do the worldspace/outside I can make that for you. Or if you want to make it yourself, but were thinking later on down the line, then you can just make the interior. The showcase is pretty flexible. It's basically so we can show stuff off without crossing all the T's and dotting the I's.

It's mostly the layout that I'm concerned with; inside or outside doesn't matter much, really. I don't have anything particular in mind, ATM, just want to tinker and see how far it takes me.

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Geez, didnt know being argumentative was a big problem for you guys. Its part of the creative process for the design teams I usually work with in RL. If one team member says some idea might work better, we take that into account, analyze it and make a conclusion then explain it to the team member. If they ask again, we remind them that we are going in a direction that might not mix well with that idea. We dont batter him/her with a sermon and ask for their resignation just for having ideas. That would be counter to what a creative industry is. We know he/she is working really hard towards the goal by giving out those ideas.


Whats happening is miscommunication. As Ive said on the private boards, there is just too much ideas going around and that we have to focus. We dont have a concrete plan or @dev might have a concrete plan but I am a little hazy on what that is. There so much story content, small ideas, and miscellaneous tidbits about the mod that I am frankly confused or just misinterpreting what needs to go where and what happens where and whatever.


Can we organize it a bit? I tried doing it when I started here with the flowcharts and the collated entries, but ended up still misinformed of story, character and location changes. Can we have a bulleted blow by blow of the story trees, dev? or enumeration of the characters and locations? maybe on a google doc so that it would be easier to format and this thread doesnt get flooded again.


Anyway, in regards to my part of the mod. Ive been busy with RL since last week and will be busy till next week but before that I was able to do short capture of what Ive accomplished so far.




The hotel, clinic, bank(brick), gen store(blue) and a random building(brown) are working in game. Just need to fix some textures and some scaling since some of the vanilla doors arent fitting. Pardon the clutter, I was merely finding vanilla assets that would fit the theme.


The hotel is a customized Tippy building, dev. Added another floor, a small 2nd floor balcony and a roof railing, so that the roof can be used for something like a restaurant or an event area. It also has 2nd floor access through a back door with stairs as is from the original model.


Dont mind the goodsprings gen store model and the zion canyon gen store model, theyre just stand-ins till I get the rest of the models up and running.


If you see the Zion Canyon Shack/Ranger Station, I might customize those to serve as a ticket booth by removing the windows from 1 side and replacing them with bars.


The coaster is already there. Problem is, it isnt a tiled set(only 4 pieces) not sure how to make those go around main street as you envisioned.


Lastly found some more mods, that might be useful.


One is Old Western Energy Pistol, might look good on the park security. Lore wise, the park is heavy on play acting, so the guards could have been armed these.


Another is an F3 mod, Animated Shooting Target, These would be fantastic for any of the small games/attractions.


Thats mostly it, Thanks.


See you in a week!

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Geez, didnt know being argumentative was a big problem for you guys. Its part of the creative process for the design teams I usually work with in RL. If one team member says some idea might work better, we take that into account, analyze it and make a conclusion then explain it to the team member. If they ask again, we remind them that we are going in a direction that might not mix well with that idea.


You mean like these three separate posts I made, listed below;


As far as the tribals I imagined them on the farthest south part of the road. Partly because they can use vehicles to make a car fort for shelter/structures. But also if the player goes with the option to storm the gates via smashing through it in a vehicle, they can just start driving north on the road. The code for rideable creatures works reasonably well for level areas, but changes in height really screw with it in regard to velocity. So rough terrain would make it difficult to gain any appreciable ramming speed. I think if you can put them in 0,24 through 0,29 that would work better.



Sorry amigo, your going to have to move it. I need them on the asphalt for the rideable creatures script cars, to crash the gate. I do like the little enclosed area you'v got them in, but the road entrance has a nice sheltered area too. Also the mainframe is going to be less comfortable with their location the closer they are to the solar station, it's a strategic resource. So essentially what you will have is a junk yard town, where all of the vehicles massed before the quakes caused the boulders to come tumbling down. Big rig homes, lots of boulders, rusted hulks of cars turned over as barricades etc.


You seem unwilling to flex or compromise on this issue even when I'v explained to you why it is necessarily for the big rig and the rideable creatures script (which is buggy enough even when the road is perfect) to have the tribals at the end of the road. Not to mention the artistic vision we developed for it.


We dont batter him/her with a sermon and ask for their resignation just for having ideas. That would be counter to what a creative industry is. We know he/she is working really hard towards the goal by giving out those ideas.


Sermon? Seems a little overly dramatic. I pointed out that you were not willing to compromise the issues we were discussing and gave examples of being a team player on other mod projects and how our team works together. Then made it very clear that we want to work with you, but you have to be a team player;

would like to work with you if your an asset to the team/mod. But the mod is large enough and there is more than enough to do, without having to waste energy and time dealing with an issue like this. If your willing to work with us, on the vision we have of the mod, that's great. But if your uncompromising, especially on a key point like this, I'd suggest beginning your own project.

It's also why I didn't say your out of the team, but specifically stated you have to flex;

It has nothing to do with just "ask for their resignation just for having ideas", at no point were you criticized for your ideas, simply for being unable to compromise or work with us even after I explained in three posts why I needed the tribals on the road.


My point is exactly the same in the last post as it is in this one, we would love to have you on the project, but you have to work *with* us, not at cross purposes.


Whats happening is miscommunication. As Ive said on the private boards, there is just too much ideas going around and that we have to focus. We dont have a concrete plan or @dev might have a concrete plan but I am a little hazy on what that is. There so much story content, small ideas, and miscellaneous tidbits about the mod that I am frankly confused or just misinterpreting what needs to go where and what happens where and whatever.


It's a valid criticism. I'll try to find some extra time to detail more info and a flow chart or a similar tool for the plot line. However we have a little over a week before lonesome road is released and I would like to make a small preview (5 or 6 encounters scripted together) before then.


Can we organize it a bit? I tried doing it when I started here with the flowcharts and the collated entries, but ended up still misinformed of story, character and location changes. Can we have a bulleted blow by blow of the story trees, dev? or enumeration of the characters and locations? maybe on a google doc so that it would be easier to format and this thread doesnt get flooded again.


I will certainly try to look into it, I havn't used google docs before, so I'm hesitant to make any promises.


Anyway, in regards to my part of the mod. Ive been busy with RL since last week and will be busy till next week but before that I was able to do short capture of what Ive accomplished so far.


No worries on time, but I'd like to include main street in the prequel if it's ready by Nov. Here is a PM sent to kagstrom2100 & TrooperScooperMKII last week in response to a question re: our ETA.


Well thinking of doing a show case type preview. It wouldn't be free range/open ended. It would be several encounters (like maybe 5 or 6) linked together. Just to show off the character of the mod and some of the assets (models, lore etc). I'd like to get it out before the 20th. Then we could get the prequel/preview v0.x out around late Oct early Nov when the lonesome road fever has died down. Shoot for version 1.x (the actual mod) and life after the park (2.x) next year.


BTW if you can find a better fence than the stockade one I had in mind that would be good too. Something that goes with the character of the buildings, but should still be pretty high for LOD concerns and "portability". If we are using 2nd level porches than the fence should be 2 stories or 1 3/4 (that's so we can use the strip mode of mini-worlds. The portability is so we can include it in the prequel without have to finish areas around it or having it free range (like it will be in v1.x).


Um a quick note about nomenclature;


The preview is a small number of encounters scripted together see post 294 and has no number assigned to it. It's something to show of the character/style of our mod using existing completed (or almost completed) assets.


The prequel ( v0.x) is a relatively short but fully contained mod. It won't contain the sunset valley worldspace, but I hope to have at least the villa, main street and sub-levels. Anything additional would be a bonus. Post 272 it starts in the story line in motion for the main mod (v1.x), develops a relationship/connection to the tribals chosen one, showcases the villa and main street and has other functions.


The main mod (v1.x) will have a completed worldspace and attractions (some attractions can be added in later revisions if necessary). It's the big enchilada, the show down call it what you will. But it determines the fate of the tribals, mainframe, chosen one, the ghouls, the whole sunset valley.


Life after (v2.x) would be for characters that chose certain story lines that would allow the park to evolve and become open to the outside world. If involves factions/politics, aiding (and protecting) the tribals to better themselves, etc.


The hotel, clinic, bank(brick), gen store(blue) and a random building(brown) are working in game. Just need to fix some textures and some scaling since some of the vanilla doors arent fitting. Pardon the clutter, I was merely finding vanilla assets that would fit the theme.


The hotel is a customized Tippy building, dev. Added another floor, a small 2nd floor balcony and a roof railing, so that the roof can be used for something like a restaurant or an event area. It also has 2nd floor access through a back door with stairs as is from the original model.


Those are really nice buildings, but I was hoping for a more unified theme for main street. I think I may have found just the models for it too. They very much resemble the saloon in style. But that will depend on necessity, time etc and we can go over it in a week when you have some time to spare. But all the models are good whether they end up on main street or in outlaw town. Excellent work.


The coaster is already there. Problem is, it isnt a tiled set(only 4 pieces) not sure how to make those go around main street as you envisioned.


Don't sweat the coaster, we may use a different model, we'll also have a ferris wheel, which will be cool :thumbsup:


Lastly found some more mods, that might be useful.


One is Old Western Energy Pistol, might look good on the park security. Lore wise, the park is heavy on play acting, so the guards could have been armed these.


Yes, I saw that one and was considering it too, we actually have several sidearms on the table. My favorite premade model so far is the ever popular rhino revolver. But I'm also working a custom BFR for the park. But if you guys like that one I think it's likely we could get permission for it.



Another is an F3 mod, Animated Shooting Target, These would be fantastic for any of the small games/attractions.


Cool I'll check that out, I got permission to use the animated slot machine which is pretty cool, and am trying to get hold of an author that has made some mini games for new vegas that are very carnival-ish.

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I also agree that organization is somewhat lacking in the overall notes/scraps... I just created a project space in Google Docs. I'll PM/email the link to you, Razzy and Kagstrom.

EDIT: I need your email addresses to put into the contact list.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Do either of you guys do re-textures? I'm going to be doing some work on the villa and I'd like to re-texture plants, planters, rugs etc in hispanic (edging toward south-western) style.


Oh and flora. Golden palo-verde, smaller brightly colored cactuses and desert flowers, the things you'd expect at a themed resort.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Wow this project is amazing!

Don't forget to add the bits of green/brown grass and tumbleweeds. ^_^


I can't wait to see this finished.



Also maybe you could put in a life sized robot Giddy Up Buttercup horse.


A great idea and already in progress #273, but not just a life sized buttercup, a RIDEABLE buttercup :biggrin:

At this moment in time I'm considering making it a possible companion. If you can take the hit to your machismo (if your a guy) from riding a metal pony, you can also hot rod it by supplying max charge energy cells. If you want to really fly across the valley and the wasteland. May even be some upgrades for your pony.

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Wow this project is amazing!

Don't forget to add the bits of green/brown grass and tumbleweeds. ^_^


I can't wait to see this finished.



Also maybe you could put in a life sized robot Giddy Up Buttercup horse.


A great idea and already in progress #273, but not just a life sized buttercup, a RIDEABLE buttercup :biggrin:

At this moment in time I'm considering making it a possible companion. If you can take the hit to your machismo (if your a guy) from riding a metal pony, you can also hot rod it by supplying max charge energy cells. If you want to really fly across the valley and the wasteland. May even be some upgrades for your pony.



Powerthirst: it's like riding a pony, which sounds totally lame but the pony's 50 feet tall and covered in chainsaws...

(or something to that effect)

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