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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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I havent read the entire topic -( just found it 20min ago )- but i like the idea



having androids playing certain roles in the amusement park having female and male androids in the services businiss in some dark dirty section of the park



for the the Tribals let them get food from animals and insects like ants from a ant mount or in a cave wahere they re-apear after some time

and if their is a large row of car wrecks then where al are the tyres and what aboout parking lots and car garages truck unloading stops( trucks that bring supplies and other stuff, busses for group transport ( for Fallout 3 there was a mod where you could enter a bus or train cart ) Train station and trains and tracks


mabey some militairy personel got trapped as well and gaurds armed with pistols and sticks ( could be some nice tribal material )


tribals should be important and there should be lots to do with them


some of my ideas use them if you like them

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Tribals are definitely going to have an important role. The idea of having transit systems would be plausible, but it adds complications as to why the park remained isolated. The current plan is that the park was not even completed yet- it was just having a PR event, a la Jurassic Park- and that the owner was using the park as a cover for a military/security role, i.e. a fallout shelter.
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This sounds cool! Is this still going on?


Yes it is, it's the lack of any western building models that is our biggest stumbling blocks right now. Flaarg who was going to put together our models in MIA and it looks like it is permanent. So I'v got to learn blender and put them together, just havn't had the time.


Unfortunately in two weeks I will have a lot of extra time on my hands :( Long story short tore a rotator cuff (left shoulder) at our local MMA (freak'n jujitsu) a while back and it's just never healed. Been 10 months still can't lift heavy. So going in for surgery on it in 2 weeks and the rehab can take up to 3 months before I can even use it for light duty. I'm going to try and use this time to get a handle on blender (among other projects) so I hope to see some rapid progress shortly.


This forum thread was moved to a private board to conceal the plotline, but since then I'v had second thoughts. I believe the people that actually participate in the forums are a minute fraction of nexus users. I'd rather have input from various points of view weighed against the risk revealing the story to a small amount of players. So I'll begin cut & pasting the posts from the private board so anyone interested can get up to speed with the project.


In the meantime here is some pics of mostly finished assets;

http://imageshack.us/f/228/eyebotrangerhat.jpg/ This is also a model for K8-E a eyebot companion

http://imageshack.us/f/402/securitronhat.jpg/ still need to change screen to cowboy face (an older character sunset sam that resembles sam eliot with a huge handlebar mustache)

http://imageshack.us/f/7/eybotwithhatpistol.jpg/ eyebot with sunset hat

http://imageshack.us/f/806/workingsswwwbot.jpg/ sunset eyebot

http://imageshack.us/f/840/screenshot262i.jpg/ sunset eyebot & sunset protectron in spanish district

http://imageshack.us/f/848/sunsetbot4.jpg/ sunset eybot profile

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/eyebotsecuritynocolor2.jpg/ sunset eyebot heavy security

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/sentryhat1.jpg/ sunset sentry bot, need to change this to a red sunset hat

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/sunsetbot5.jpg/ sunset eyebot front view

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/198/eyebotsecuritynocolor1.jpg/ sunset eyebot heavy security profile

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/8/sentryhat2.jpg/ sunset sentry bot & veronica

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/810/poolroommural.jpg/ sunset spa

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/bramalo2.jpg/ bramalo


Anyway that should give you a idea of the style we are going for on the bots & what have you.

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Interesting idea, but I think that that would be too much work and would draw attention away from the main storyline of the park. I can definitely picture a few corporate saboteurs/spies from the Nuka Cola company slipping into the event, though. :)


Nice idea on the nuka corp spies, can't believe we missed the whole nuka vs sunset angle

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I'm doing a requested re-texture of a pipboy and thought it would be cool to have a special pip-boy model for sunset park. Besides the cosmetic changes to a sunset color scheme and logo this can pip-boy can have a built in hardware modification for trauma treatment. I thought 3 slots for automatic stim pack administration ala the stealth suit. 3 stims will give you hte edge when your near death but won't make you virtually invulnerable like the stealth suits fully automatic dispensing. The sunset pipboy will also have important in game abilities and a place in the storyline. We already know there is a sunset park public radio station playing music, lots of commercials, park announcements and attractions etc.


But there should be a two (at least) encrypted signals/stations that was used by sunset security (human and bot) for communication as well as a separate station ( the control signal) the mainframe uses on all synthetics. In the beginning the signals/stations will be meaningless chirps, screeches etc. But once a sunset pip-boy is acquired we will remove one of the encrypted stations and add a new station (decrypted sunset security) with an attached script. general chatter from security bots and security bulletins will play on this station. The security bulletins will be specific to actions by the player. For instance if the player has penetrated the reactor an emergency bulletin will play. It could be something simple like "intrusion sector 5, security alert" or something more elaborate. Also the general level of chatter will reveal the overall *** of the park. Lots of chatter means lots of enemy activity.



The encrypted control signal/station will be the station that we hear the "dreaming brains" on as well as and the mainframe's thoughts. The mainframe musings and the dreaming brains will provide atmosphere, expose important back stories as well as clues for present activities. It will also be key in discovering the mainframe control of the nanny in the skullbear scenario. It won't be automatically gained, instead a holotape will be required to unlock the code. This will probably be a mini-quest requiring the player to recover some items that the tribals chosen one left behind while fleeing.


A third part of the pipboy quest will involve the mainframe remotely deactivating the sunset pipboy and the players attempt to override the security lockout. That will probably require a holotape as well.


A fourth but optional quest will involve programming modules. The key to these optional micro quests will be acquiring programming packages (holotapes) that give the pipboy new abilities. This would be very similar in concept to the stealth suit and sonic emitter from old world blues. What it would allow us to do in essence is creat another platform for abilities. It won't be a compeletey unrestricted platform, it would have to make sense in view of a pipboy's abilities. So your not going to see a rocket launcher unfold from your pipboy, but that still leaves us a lot of creative freedom to craft these special attributes.


EDIT: Actually a fifth quest would be acquiring a pipboy 3250 prototype (of which there is only one in the park) and it would have most of teh tactical abilities, since it would have the photonic emitter. The first model would be 3150 and these would be the ones that were in use by the security teams. Perhaps the 3250 becomes required when the mainframe locks out the 3150's. The 3250 being a protype may not have a security lockout function.


Some programming modules could be extensions of the pip boys own abilities. An example would be a +5 bonus in vats due to more efficient program code. Such a programming holotape might be found in the security offices or armory. Another example would be increased sensor range (say an extra +1 to perception). A bonus to hacking would be another useful module, as well as extended/brighter pipboy light. Or a pipboy light in another frequency, such as infrared, that might help to highlight opponents in the dark. Perhaps a bonus to robotic opponents as the pipboy highlights vulnerabilities in the sunset bots.


But the modules wouldn't be limited to traditional pipboy or electronic skills. Tactical abilities like a EMP pulse that stuns or paralyzes bots for a few seconds would be a useful tool. Maybe a holo emitter that projects a image for decoy purposes. Tactical abilities would have to be balanced or limited so they may take a little bit of play testing to get right. But these abilities will be useful for evening the odds as the bots become higher level mark 6 and 7's as well as more numerous.


Plus we could have modules that are unrelated to gameplay but just create a more interesting atmosphere, or just plain quirky fallout fun. For instance we could have a programming module for AI's, so you have a little companion aka the stealth suit from old world blues. Want some adrenalin pumping combat music once the fighting begins, can do. You want disco music and flashing colored lights (can't imagine anyone does, but it's just an example), can do.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Great stuff! Maybe you could release the custom worldspace as a beta. From what I can see in the forums,most of the time, that brings in more people to help. I can model basic stuff in Maya, if you need something custom made (Not a mishmash of vanilla models)
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Speaking of pip boys, why not make it a "glove" weapon with stat boosts? A Pip-Boy Accelerator- it would be an extra module attached to the current pip-boy via a power glove type thing. You could even have multiple versions, i.e. a speed module, an intelligence module, stealth etc.
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Speaking of pip boys, why not make it a "glove" weapon with stat boosts? A Pip-Boy Accelerator- it would be an extra module attached to the current pip-boy via a power glove type thing. You could even have multiple versions, i.e. a speed module, an intelligence module, stealth etc.




We can essentially have any special effect we want including stat boosts. We just have to make it fit with the pipboy theme and fallout technology, and the closer we can fit it with those two aspects the better a player will like it (I believe). It wouldn't be significantly different than an implant (but shouldn't stack with implants). Think of the pipboys as a ability platform, it just has to fit in the storyline and not demolish game balance.


In regard to teh glove do you mean like a power glove that functions as a actual weapon but has a pipboy screen embedded in it? I'm just a newbie to blender so I couldn't say how hard that would be. If it's just a retexture to make it fit a power glove texture than it would be easy.


For game balance the 3150 pipboys could be limited to one external module (photonic emitter, stim injector, data link etc) which are actual hardware modules that plug in (and I can probably make simple little models for them, like the photonic emitter would just be a glowing blue lens) to a socket on the pipboy, and one internal module (+1 strength, +15% medicine etc) that are just programming packages and are found on holotapes. The 3250 might have two active modules of each (although there will probably only be one 3250 in the park, possibly with bronco bill). In general I think of a mod affecting the player as internal and a mod affecting something/one else as external, but some mods won't fit in teh quick rule of thumb. For example teh medical pipboys injectors are obviously physical hardware not a program.


So different pipboy models to run specific programming packages, so not all mods are available for all pipboys . Physical attributes like strength, endurance and agility (as well as combat skill bonuses) could be the domain of the security pip-boys internal mods. I'm not sure what the external (physical) modules would be for the secuirty pipboy, perhaps the power glove you mentioned above, chem slots for turbo/psycho, or some others. There could be a engineering pipboy that offers a bonus for intelligence, skills like repair and hacking as well as external mods like data link (more on that below) for bots, data link for terminals etc. I'd probably throw in some additional circuit textures to make it easy to differentiate. There could be a medical pip-boy with internal mods like a regenerative module based on autodoc technology (nothing huge just equal to the monocyte implant), with bonuses to medical. It could have an external mod like slots for automatic stimpacks (functioning like the stealth suit but only 3 stims), and a ability to heal other npc's via an injection. it would be white with a red cross.


Those would be the main ones but it wouldn't be hard to imagine sub-types for the engineering pipboys. Like a engineering sub-type for robotics that has bonus damage to robots, and the ability to have a bot(s) protector or robot faction for weaker robots like turrents (so they woudn't see you as an enemy and would aid you) etc. Don't think there would be any sense in sub-types of security or medical pipboys.


So for example you get a engineering pipboy 3150. Initially it may only have one internal mod in it (say +10% repair) that is in effect automatically, and no external mod. Later you find a holotape for an engineering pipboy with hack +10%. You can unequip and then equip the pipboy a little menu will pop up showing the option to select +10% repair or +10 hack. Later you find a hard ware (external) module, a stim pack injector for a medical pipboy, but since you don't have a medical pipboy yet you can't use it.


By splitting teh special abilities up into different pipboys, it allows us to achieve a few different objectives. 1. we group them into themes which gives them more believable characteristics. 2. we divide the power so one pipboy can't do everything under the sun, and that helps to limit it's power (ie game balance). 3. It's more work for the player, forcing them to earn the treasure. 4. it allows tie in's to quests.


Specifically in regard to no 4. and the data link (for the engineering pipboy) I mentioned before I'd like a part of the mod that involves a heavily radiated area in the reactor that must be accessed. The rad counts will kill anything not immune to radiation in a few seconds. Acquiring the engineering pip boy will allow you to remotely control and experience a combat bot that will fight maintence bots and security bots in the complex to achieve an objective. At the moment I only have a vague idea how this might be done by using parts of teh rideable creatures script (ie restrain pc, player controls maneuvering robot.) but I think it would be a cool little change of pace. If I can figure out a way to allow vertical movement for the eyebot under remote control we could make a level of air ducts and other tiny areas it could fly through and fight in.


EDIT: Oh and ai personalities. For example, the security pipboys could have mr gutsy type attitudes.

Edited by devinpatterson
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