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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Other authors permissions;


Oh also I``v started asking other authors for western assets. Mostly I``m requesting guns & attire. I``ll post what I get permission to use in this msg and if you could msg me any permissions you get I will add it to this post, so we don``t duplicate efforts. So if you notice any cool western clothes or rifles/revolvers/knives etc ask the author if we can use them. We``ll need some western wear for the androids & tribals and weapons for the museum. Stress that we will be very conscientious about providing credit. Also ask if they can be retextured, because then we can slap a sunset logo on them and sell them in the giftshop. I``ll also do some re-textures on some weapons, but I don``t know how to model them. I especially need a good gunslingers belt and holster for the sunset protectrons.


granted permission;

Moraelin spear and other resources

Riven1978``s Kai Sharps Rifle

watto44``s Satchels

ginger9``s gunslinger outfit

mz07 full leather jacket http://fallout3nexus...le.php?id=10206

Dogtown1 Flintlock Rifle http://newvegasnexus...le.php?id=41019

Speedy Resources http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39551 a lot of stuff in this one.

Modelers Contributations Here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/269118-modelers-contributations-here/

Urge Pop Culture Shirts NV http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35700

Wolf textures http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41193

Cleaner Wasteland Beds http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36843 (for the hotel)

Sniper Gauss http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3 (for the mini-vualt/bomb shelter. in the weapons cache)

10RatsTheEpicBattle rebar club;


Latexschlampe Brahmin Variant for brahmalos

clintmich piano resource

Zumbs Wearable Cigarettes Cheroots.

d_ivanov Mutfruit plants - modders resource




requesting permission;

Madcat221 Magnum Holsters http://www.fallout3n...ile.php?id=8751


RegentEagle tomahawk

Edited by devinpatterson
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Sure and more games are good. But would there be much in the

way of skill, I mean I'v rarely ever used vats, (except when

my pc has come been so bogged down with on screen opponents

the frame rate was dying) but I don't remember there being any

challenge. Just select the body part to hit. Am I remembering

that correctly?

In Reply To: (117204) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:50 AM

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Msg ID: 117204



Yea, timeline is a good thing to keep in mind, but both creatures I mentioned where around before the war (even if smaller in size), but what about the idea? Thats the meat.


Berzerk with protectrons,

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117203) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:40 AM

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Msg ID: 117203



We could have the berzerk game, using brightly colored

protectrons that change color every level

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117202) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:33 AM

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Msg ID: 117202



Well we want to keep in mind that these creatures came after

the war, and the arcade machines were built before the war. So

we don't want to trash our timelines. But you could use any

other creature that was around before the war.

In Reply To: (117201) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:23 AM

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Msg ID: 117201



what about a virtual vats game (kind of like duck hunt), where the player, gets a certain number of action pts in vats to kill the target with specific weapon.


LvL 1= Giant Rat vs Single Shotgun: ap for 1 round

LvL 2= Bark Scorp vs 44 mag: ap for 3 rounds

and so on....



In Reply To: devinpatterson (117199) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:17 AM

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Msg ID: 117199



Oh also if anyone comes across a pinball and/or arcade cabinet

resource that would be great. I dread re-texturing the vanilla

one, it is beat all to hell.

In Reply To: devinpatterson- Arcade Posted On: 3/26/2011 2:36 AM

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Msg ID: 117198



So I was thinking for the arcade why have just an holographic opponent when you could have a holographic world. Lets go full VR. The courier plops in his chip(s) and is suddenly in a deserted western town from the late 1800''s. It''s high noon and he''s facing a noted hombre from history in a gunfight to the death.


If he survives he''s in a box canyon populated by outlaws in the cliffs. Etc.


If he/she dies, no biggie, the game just stats again in hte same spot, up to 3 times, after that it fades to black and your back outside the booth. I think it should also be possible to use the dead money script to strip the player of all items in the virtual world and equip them with authentic western weapons.


But that''s just one booth. Another is Ace of space (not space ace for copyright reasons) a sci-fi shooter emphasizing speed and co-ordination while rescuing the heroes love interstest Kim from the evil gorf.


Another is "The dragons lair" where you are....wait can you guess....that''s right dirk the daring (well actually kirk the daring for copyright reasons ;)


These little worlds wouldn''t need a ryme or reason for their levels and wouldn''t gather the player any treasure beyond chips and experience points. But they could be a lot of fun.


We can alter the shaders while in the hologame to give a very different visual appearance. Maybe altering the laser disc games to use cartoon cell shading. The beserker video game will use the holgram visual effect, that should give it a nice video game feel.


These would probably be for v1 & v2, unless everything just falls into place before next weekend.

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Msg ID: 117361



On the androids, it might be a good idea to have the modules

take up data space. That way the android companion couldn't

have a whole lot of very high skills. For example if the

standard android has a data storage space of 60 (random arbitrary number) a mark 2 combat module could take up 20, a

mark 4 might take up 50 etc. this way the player can design

the android to have a single skill that it really excels at,

or a mix of medium level skills or a ton of low level skills



An upgrade can be greater data storage space.

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117360) Posted On: 3/28/2011 12:15 PM

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Msg ID: 117360



How about giving the chosen one a dog companion as extra

protection. She may also have reprogrammed one or more

synthetics as well for protection.

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117280) Posted On: 3/28/2011 12:08 PM

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Msg ID: 117280



Oh and physical upgrades. For instance one upgrade could be

"combat frame" and would give the adamantine skeleton perk.

Potentially anything a player could have is a possiblility for

all androids and a lot of bots.


I'm liking this idea, just have to make sure we balance it out

and not have a super god companion. Although when you consider

that Veronica, as a vanilla companion is tougher than a M1

Abrams tank maybe we can't do much worse.

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117278) Posted On: 3/27/2011 1:13 PM

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Msg ID: 117278



For androids/bots we could also have AI packages the courier

could gather. So instead of leveling with the player as most

companions do (which they could do in addition to) you could

also find code modules.


For instance maybe one finds a close combat code module mark

1. When this is uploaded to the bot/android it would gain

level 3 or 5 or whaterver in melee. Ranged combat module

mark 3 might make the bot/droid level 12 in guns etc. There

could be other types of code as well, repair for instance,

science etc.



The bot/droid could also have special purpose modules, like

adaptive behavior which allows it to level along with the

player. Mark 1 might allow it to level with the player to a

max of 3, mark 4 might allow a max of 20 etc.


They could become a major treasure focus for the player to

gather them. Maybe one of the burlesque dancer androids

could be a companion. She would look deceptively weak, but

when the right modules were installed she would be a


In Reply To: TrooperScooperMKII (117269) Posted On: 3/27/2011 1:03 PM

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Msg ID: 117269



I agree, no vanilla companions in the park. Besides, it elimiates the problems of having them comment on stuff inside.

In Reply To: devinpatterson- Companions Posted On: 3/27/2011 12:35 PM

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Msg ID: 117266



There could be 2 companions to choose from.


Assembling an android comanion would be cool, it could be one that was torn apart by the mainframe's bots (for some insubordination, like wanting to help the tribals), you find out by hacking a computer and finding a data file, reassemble the droid to help take down the mainframe.


Or you take a the protectron companion (who is hell bent on serving the mainframe's protocol), and wants to use the courier to bring the Chosen to his absorption into the mainframe.

In Reply To: devinpatterson- Companions Posted On: 3/27/2011 12:10 PM

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Msg ID: 117264



I thought there were two points on companions we should hammer out.


The first was weather or not to allow them in the park. I''d recommend against it since the story is much more interesting if you don''t have someone watching your back.


Second what do you guys think of the possibility of park companions? At some point the chosen one may be a temporary companion. Maybe a android could be assembled as a companion. Or perhaps even Bill may join the player briefly as a companion. Perhaps a unique protectron?



Edited by devinpatterson
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Arcade VR worlds;



Msg ID: 117405



I thought we could go with a western shootout at high noon

against a single outlaw in the main street of town.


But it could just as easily be a mortal kombat setting with

a single opponent.


The interesting points are the settings. They will be very

stylized, so they don`t resemble any of the vanilla

resources. Part of that will be altered shaders, part will

be altered textures (via batch with gimp, I probably won`t

be doing any by hand).


Another interesting aspect will be the players equipment. In

the VR world all inventory items will be removed & game

specific items equipped. For instance in the western game,

all inventory is removed and your player will only be

equipped with a revolver, ammo and western attire.


If we go with the mortal kombat setting, it will probably

just be a costume and you would have to beat your opponent

to death bare fisted.


We wouldn`t change perks or skills, even though it doesn`t

make sense that some would be in the VR world (like

adamantine skeleton for example).


People with high gun skills will excel at the western,

players with high melee skills will excel at the sword and

sorcery game. Unarmed will excel at the mortal combat game.

energy weapon peeps will excel at the sci-fi game.


Mostly I want to alter it enough so that if someone saw you

playing a VR level they wouldn`t guess it was fallout. I`d

like to throw in some really iconic stuff (with a fallout

spin) as far as style (not borrowing any non-fallout game



For instance if we`re building a mortal kombat

game, I`d like to have the voice over work sound like the

arcade. The opening sound byte might be "deadly combat", but anyone that has ever played the game will recognize the voice work as sounding just like "mortal kombat!" in style and inflection. But I`m not sure about copyright and will probably check in the mod talk forum.


"......Failure to load (insert next levels name(file

extension))......Please contact attendent bot or maintenance



yeah I like that idea, maybe the bot even gives you back

your chip ;)


In Reply To: devinpatterson- Arcade VR worlds Posted On: 3/29/2011 2:41 AM

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Msg ID: 117402



Sounds rad, and a good throw in for the alpha. Whats your idea for the weapon used and the enemy they will fight? The load failure is a nice touch, it could read something like

"......Failure to load (insert next levels name(file extension))......Please contact attendent bot or maintenance bot......."

In Reply To: devinpatterson- Arcade VR worlds Posted On: 3/28/2011 10:42 PM

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Msg ID: 117395



I thought I would split this off from the arcade thread since it is a huge subject in itself.


I''d like to have a working arcade VR for the preview apha. Even if it''s only a single level (ie encounter) I''d like to showcase what''s coming.


I thought we could have a simple old west draw, in a deserted western town, then the arcade machine would attempt to load the next encounter and fail (maybe a little guru meditation error for humor) kicking the player back out to the casino arcade.


I think the parts are in place for such a game. Ghost dancers VR simulation and possibly a cell shader mod will give us some of the tools we need.


This little teaser will let people know that there will be a western game, space/sci-fi game and a fantasy (knight & dragon) game in a future beta.

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Msg ID: 117544



I think I may be tied up for a bit on the casino & hotel. I

have to redo the interior walls & floors because I'm switching

from log cabin lodges to plank (better Mojave atmosphere), but

I'll see if I can't take a look tonight at the lucky 38

basement & sercuritron vualt

In Reply To: kagstrom2100 (117542) Posted On: 3/30/2011 12:32 PM

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Msg ID: 117542



ya, but i still have not really started with sub-level 2 yet,

if one of you can make a part of it like 1/3 or something so i

have something to start of with

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117540) Posted On: 3/30/2011 12:07 PM

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Msg ID: 117540



Oh yeah, definitely. The less we have to redo in forthcoming

versions the better

In Reply To: (117467) Posted On: 3/30/2011 11:42 AM

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Msg ID: 117467




I wouldn`t just connect them together, i`d say use both but move the rooms and corridoors so that it doesn`t resemble ether of the 2 vanilla maps. I know this is the alpha, but our continuity throughout the release should be somewhat relevent.


What i`m saying is if we release the alpha with one sub-basement, and happen to use it in the bata, but then completly rework and change it in the next version, most continuity starts going out the window.


So even if you make a small sub-basement thats original, we can add to it for later releases and mantain continuity.


This would save time on the alpha, and allow for further expansion of the level (in later releases) with little or no knowledge of it from people who play the first releases.


Remember this is more of a teaser, we don`t want to give to much away.

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117462) Posted On: 3/29/2011 1:38 PM

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Msg ID: 117462



I'll zoom around some interiors, but I think I already have

one in mind that could work. I'ts the lucky 38's basement or

possibly the securitrons vault (or both connected together).

In Reply To: kagstrom2100 (117457) Posted On: 3/29/2011 12:59 PM

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Msg ID: 117457



ok, BTW i got no idea on how i will make the sub-levels 2

i'm out of fantasy :( but if anyone else can make the walls

and stuff like that i can make put things in it :P

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117446) Posted On: 3/29/2011 12:32 PM

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Msg ID: 117446



Not as of yet, I'll DL it today and take a look

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sub-levels page 1;




Msg ID: 117422



ya have you looked it at yet?

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117391) Posted On: 3/29/2011 7:29 AM

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Msg ID: 117391



No rush amigo, we have a fairly manageable alpha and no hard

time limit so it gets done at our pace.

In Reply To: kagstrom2100 (117372) Posted On: 3/28/2011 7:39 PM

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Msg ID: 117372



ok, Well it's not done yet it's just the walls. Just

remembered that it doesn't got a security office :/

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117362) Posted On: 3/28/2011 1:17 PM

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Msg ID: 117362



Will do kagstrom2100, I'll take a look at it when I get home

from work, then merge it into the main sunset esp.

In Reply To: kagstrom2100 (117328) Posted On: 3/28/2011 12:16 PM

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Msg ID: 117328



I have put my test version of sub-level 1 up check it out, and

please tell me if it's anything you dislike and ill try to

chance to

In Reply To: devinpatterson- Sub-levels Posted On: 3/28/2011 7:22 AM

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Msg ID: 117263



Sub-level one should be primarily for the employees. It should

have an armory, cafe/lunchroom (small), offices, a security

room (with a detention area), bathrooms, a small server room

and an area to store a few sentry bots.


Sub-level two will be maintenance & storage. It should be

pretty expansive so the tribals chosen one can be hiding down

there. It would have a main reactor, water treatment plant,

lots of machinery for running the plant and a fair amount of

maintenance tunnels (wait on the tunnels though until we can

all decide how many there are). It would also have a section devoted to repairing (& possibly manufacturing?) bots & androids.

Posted On: 3/27/2011 10:59 AM

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Story (page 1 of 6);



ALright, Bill will be the only "person" to be transplanted into a protectron, though I do think that these protectrons should have organic brains, for two reasons- the first is that organic AIs are more subtle/creative which is what we're looking for; second, and more important, it allows Bronco to blend in- the player would believe him to be just another organic AI bot, rather than the devious cyborg he really is.

WRT the androids being the bots- it would be nice, but as I mentioned, it would make Bill stand out more- we don't want him to... perhaps we can combine the two ideas? The androids would all have organic ais, we could show this on some of them (there should be variants on the androids, i.e. some are intact, others are superficially damaged but in different ways etc.) so that Bill would still be the same.

As to him showing up- the whole point of his rebellion is that the mainframe is losing it- not only is it starting to degrade, but it also has an armed and intelligent hostile inside the core levels, waiting for the oppportunity to bust out and start smashing important machinery. Add in the damage to the Array, which is still inoperable- the Messiah's hacking prevented it from rebooting the Array- and possibly damage/infection/sabotage of the park's systems (security cameras shut down, turrets deactivated/frenzied, etc.) caused by the Messiah's meddling and the mainframe definitely has its hands busy. Even so, it isn't overstretched- yet- though it's definitely at an impasse wrt the messiah, so the upper park is still (partially) functioning to keep up appearances for the tribals & Bill- the mainframe didn't tell him about Messiah's sabotage/infiltration, he's still unaware of the extent of the damage though he naturally realized something was up.

The mainframe really has no choice but to trust Bill at the moment, besides, with the EMP grid around the crucial systems, it knows that Bill and his posse aren't getting anywhere near its brain.


As to the bounty hunting, I agree that it isn't going to kill Bill just yet, but it definitely is going to find out sooner or later. The question is what tips it off, and how to time it so the player hasn't really committed to any side yet.

Perhaps it offers the mission during an early sabotage quest for Bill? Though, where would the mainframe come in if the Courier doesn't accept BIll's offer...

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117188) Posted On: 3/25/2011 6:05 PM

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Msg ID: 117188



On the Bronco bill entry, I`d recommend that Bill was

ignorant of the general atomics organic cpu`s true nature.


Since all vault-tec vaults were controls or experiments in

re: to space flight (strangely enough, but read the info on

the vault wiki, it`s interesting) the organic cpu fits right

in. It`s a test to see if having much greater flexibility of

logic & reasoning (that a organic mind would have vs a

inorganic) would be useful in the unexpected challenges of

space travel and planetary colonization. Things like social

structure/dynamics that a ordinary cpu wouldn`t easily be

able to model because of it`s inherent randomness.


I belive Bill would be ignorant of the true scope of the

mainframes experiment.


I pictured Bronco Bill as the captain of industry type,

incredibly capable and perhaps even brilliant with some

serious personality flaws. I don`t imagine him being swayed

overly by money (being extremely wealthy) nor inclined to

have his personal bunker/vault a guinea pig test ground. Nor

would he willingly secede control to any machine.


Instead I`d suggest that like most vault-tec experiments the

true nature of this one was concealed. Bronco bill was

promised a "extraordinarily powerful cpu, far more capable

than any other civilian cpu available on the market" and was

unaware it was sentient. That fact that it was self-

conscious came as quite a nasty suprise :(


I`d also recommend that if he is serving the mainframe it`s

under extreme duress. All of these things make him a little

more morally ambiguous as opposed to a villains right hand

man. Perhaps many would do the same in his situation.


I`d also suggest that we have Bronco bill do the transplant

at his own request (actually demand). He was mortally

wounded and the vault tec team (consisting of at least one

doctor and some techs )was trapped in the park when the

bombs fell. As he lay dying he demanded the doctor and team

begin the transplant perhaps at the threat of their life

(remember he`s desperate, and is dying).


I`d like this for a few of reasons. One is there can be

doctor notes detailing the procedure and how things didn`t

go as well as hoped. This is good for the story background,

but also useful for fleshing out why Bronco bill isn`t quite

right. Two is it would fit his personality to a T. Three it

will allow you to craft Bronco bill anyway you want after

the operation since he is essentially suffering a grievous

and permanent brain injury.


In the plotline I`d recommend against having other brain

bots beside bill. It will make it more interesting if he is

the only one and can be a shocker (He can drop hints that he

was affected by radition etc to mislead the player into

thinking he is a ghoul) near the end to find out he`s a

cyborg. He would stay in hiding like mr. house speaking

through other bots. But the other concepts of him in re: to

allying with the player to kill the mainframe or turning on

the player would stay the same as you described it.


Of course the lack of any other human contact will push him

even further over the edge.


You can still have your special/unique protectrons like hte

duelists etc, but instead of brainbots/cyborgs they can be

specially constructed versions.


I`d offer in re: Surrender: disguised as a tribal. That the

courier could enter in with the tribals as a "park holiday"

(which just by chance is approaching) when everyone gets a

chance to enter and enjoy a day or two of gambling, games

etc. In actuality the mainframe uses these "holidays" for

it`s own various purposes, like testing for intelligent

specimens, nabbing a person etc. If the player showed

superior skill in games of chance (counting cards,

calculating odds etc) he/she would be marked for extraction

by the mainframe.


But for the player this could be fun because he could get a

chance to check out the park for a short while in a non-

combat situation. Enjoy the saloon, see the burlesque

dancers, play some games, gamble etc. Stuff that won`t be

available once the park goes into lockdown.


I wouldn`t have the mainframe hire the player to hunt down

Bills employees per se. I think your first suggestion of

having Bill working for the mainframe (and by proxy his

posse) is better. Meaning they wouldn`t be a target (at

least not until Bill tips his hand and the mainframe catches

wind of it). And it would explain why the mainframe hasn`t

killed bill already.


in re: Bill is a bit trickier

I`d be hesitant to have bill being tasked by the mainframe

to kill the courier. The mainframe is already quite capable

of defending the park, and I believe would be more likely to

take matters into it`s own hand. But I understand from a

story line point of view that your looking for a boss for

the protectron posse. Although the mainframe could be that

boss too.


But I understand where your coming from. You want to have

the courier face unique protectron personalities with unique

powers/capabilities, instead of standard bots. I think

that`s an excellent idea and could be a lot of fun for the

player. And be fun for us to design too.


So lets go for it, but just fit them into the story line a

little differently.


Do you remember Button Gwinnett from fallout 3? He`s the

protectron that was programmed to believe he the real Button

Gwinnett. Well you could have the same thing, a protectron

that believes he is billy the kid, another that belives he

is doc holiday.


This is the idea I had for the androids and frankly I

believe they fit the androids better than the protectrons of

bills posse. But I`m sure we can works something out if you

feel strongly about them being protectrons.


The advantage of them being androids is they can be dressed up to fit the part perfectly. We could even go for historically accurate clothing and equipment. Pretty much any models & textures are on the table.That along with torn skin showing electronics would look pretty cool.The protectrons or other bots like the duelist can have hats, cowboy boots and different textures but not much else as far as models, at least not without a lot of work.


The disadvantages of the androids is that when they gibb they will show blood. It`s hard coded into the game engine. They don`t have to have blood sprays or decals, but the gibs will show guts.


But whether they are androids or protectrons we can still

give them cowboy perk, shotgun surgeon etc. to make them

formidable opponents.


But I believe the androids advantages far outweigh the bots when it comes to making the posse.

In Reply To: kagstrom2100 (117163) Posted On: 3/25/2011 4:50 PM

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Msg ID: 117163



Ya that is a good idea

In Reply To: TrooperScooperMKII- Story Thread Posted On: 3/25/2011 12:37 PM

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Msg ID: 117107



I think that we should keep the various aspects of the mod in separate forums/threads, i.e. the story arcs will be discussed independently of the modeling and level design aspects. Devin and I have hammered out a rough plotline in a PM thread, I``ll have to condense it into something more coherent. I should have it up sometime tomorrow evening.

EDIT: All of the plot changes will be documented in this thread, with the date of the change/update at the top of the revised plot.


DRAMATIS PERSONAE [Character List & Overview]


Courier [No explanation needed


Messiah [Any suggestions for Names?]

An unusually bright and talented tribal youth, the Messiah sabotaged the solar array and hacked the link between the park and the array when the Mianframe attempted to remotely reactivate the grid. She used the gathered information to successfully infiltrate the park`s sublevels, where she was subsequently trapped when the Park`s AI instituted a general lockdown.


Bronco Bill [Name subject to change]

The park`s founder, he was the chairman of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company during the years leading up to the Great War. He was secretly contacted by the US military to distribute an experimental vaccine through his company`s products; though the "Improved" SS variants were quite popular, they also proved to be dangerous, and the project was terminated. Aside from a substantial cash bonus, the contract also earned him noteriety with top tier government researchers, and he was subseuqently hired by Vault-Tec to begin research into an organic AI for possible applications as automated overseers. He was presiding over the initial stages of the project, ostensibly as the manager of the One [Two?] Year Anniversary of SSWWWW`s grand opening, when the bombs fell. Greviously wounded in the ensuing chaos, his mind was transplanted into an experimental protectron designed as a cyborg body at the behest of the Mainframe. He has faithfully served as the right hand of the Mainframe ever since... until now, that is.



An massive organic AI, the Mainframe is a cybernetically enhanced artificial superbrain. Its enhancements allow it to seamlessly meld with the park`s infrastructure; in many ways, it does not merely control the park- it IS the park. Aside from possessing internal supercomputers for precise calculations, its genetically enhanced lobes are as intelligent as most humans, if not more so. However, the mechanisms preserving its organic components have degraded with time- the AI was a functional prototype and lab rat, not intended for lengthy autonomous operation- and so the brain is starting to degrade, and so it is searching for a suitable source of fresh grey matter.





Having discovered the park`s existence from files within the SS headquarters, the Courier enters the main runoff tunnel, emerging heavily irradiated inside the park. The Player blacks out almost as soon as (s)he exits the tunnels, and is found by tribals scarcely an hour later.

The player regains consciousness in the Campground (occupied by the tribals) to the north of the Tunnel exit. After conversing with the tribals, the Courier sets out to investigate the Solar Array, where the missing Messiah was last seen.


The Player discovers that the Messiah entered the park, and decides to go in after her. The Courier has three options:


Stealth: Delve into the maintenance tunnel between the Array and the Sublevels, as the Messiah did


Strength: The player uses a salvaged fusion car to smash through the front gate


Surrender: disguised as a tribal, the Player walks to the front gate and demands (requests?) entrance, as part of an offering ritual b/w the tribals and the mainframe


In any event, the Player has a choice between three factions- the tribals, the Mainframe, or the Park Employees.


The Mainframe`s first task is delivered from a hologram within the Sheriff`s office- you are to hunt down the various Cybertrons, who are the surviving park employees and the chief followers of Bill.


Bill is a bit trickier. If the player smashes through the gate, he lures the Courier into an ambush and makes an offer that can`t be refused. If the player walks in as a tribal, then (s)he is led to a terminal controlled by Bill, who tries to sway the Player to his side. If the PC sneaks in, then he either waits for him/her at the exit of the tunnel- having been sent there by the Mainframe to dispose of the intruder, but he offers an alliance instead- or is caught completely by surprise (as is the Mainframe) within the sublevels or some other location. this should be dependent on how careful the player is- perhaps a stealth skill check, or maybe a series of alarms that, if triggered, will alert the Mainframe?


More to come.

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Msg ID: 117251



When you put it that way... yeah I guess that would work.

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117218) Posted On: 3/27/2011 7:57 AM

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Msg ID: 117218




So, you want Bill`s "Body" to be based on a protectron?


Oh sorry, I thought you wanted him originally protectron. No

problem if you want him a different bot.


The thing is with the androids they are pretty awesome (have

10 in specials for all physical traits, as well as high

skill levels). True they probably can`t touch/feel like

humans can, but on the whole it`s not a bad deal. Never

sick, practically immortal, awesome abilities & health, etc.

I don`t think we want that for bill do we?


Don`t we want it more of a tortured existence where his

brain is imprisoned in a tin can? Living his own private

hell. Never able to be part of human society, never having

any human contact. Surrounded by cold logical machines.

Making him extremely desperate and willing to do anything to

escape his lot.



"elite" variants with very little superficial difference

from regular protectrons would be a nasty surprise for the




I have some security protectrons that are re-textured in sunset colors & the army protectron style, they could be the "hardened" type like the sentry bots near that crashed vertibird.



In Reply To: TrooperScooperMKII (117214) Posted On: 3/26/2011 3:42 PM

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Msg ID: 117214



So, you want Bill's "Body" to be based on a protectron? It really doesn't matter that much, but I do think that making all of the organic-AI bots be androids. It would make them stand out as something different, and besides, protectrons seem to be designed for quantity versus quality as far as combat is concerned. OTOH, having the park protectron guards be "elite" variants with very little superficial difference from regular protectrons would be a nasty surprise for the player...

In Reply To: devinpatterson (117212) Posted On: 3/26/2011 12:51 PM

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Msg ID: 117212



I`m making up a nice brain texture to go on Bills dome, I

think it will look cool. I`m working on a high specular map

to give it a shiny look so it makes the dome`s glass appear

to really standout (thus giving the illusion of depth).




rganic AIs are more subtle/creative which is what we`re

looking for



Yeah I`m with you on the organic cpu`s having much greater

range and ability




it allows Bronco to blend in- the player would believe him

to be just another organic AI bot



I think it might be a better idea to have Bronco controlling

bots from afar. I mean it would guarantee his safety (at

least in the beginning) and hide his identity (at least

until he goes turncoat)



keep up appearances for the tribals & Bill- the mainframe

didn`t tell him about Messiah`s sabotage/infiltration, he`s

still unaware of the extent of the damage though he

naturally realized something was up.



Sure I think that makes good sense, but you can also have it

where Bill is aware of the chosen one, possibly because he

opened up network access for one of her hacking attempts

(secretly of course). Just a thought



The mainframe really has no choice but to trust Bill at the




I would disagree with you on the mainframe needing/requiring

Bills help. But I understand where your going with that, and

how it is important for the storyline to plug Bill in as the

sub-villain (at least initially), tasked with removing the

the player. And certainly Bill wouldn`t be able to refuse

(at least on the face of it) such a request.



I agree that it isn`t going to kill Bill just yet, but it

definitely is going to find out sooner or later. The

question is what tips it off, and how to time it so the

player hasn`t really committed to any side yet. Perhaps it

offers the mission during an early sabotage quest for Bill?

Though, where would the mainframe come in if the Courier

doesn`t accept BIll`s offer...



OK I think I see where your coming from. And certainly I

could see the the mainframe offering a bounty on Bill if it

discovers his treachery and the player has allied with the

mainframe, thus the bounties. Makes good sense.


I`d also reccommend that there is a failsafe inside Bill. A

little insurance if you will that requires Bill to do the

mainframes bidding. Could be a small explosive, or small

toxic capsule/injector in the brain case. What have you.


And part of the questline would be disabling it to negate

the mainframes control of Bill. And pretty much a

prerequisite of allying with Bill I would think.


EDIT: oh and there could be multiple ways to disarm it (for example some one with a high medical skill may just remove it) without having to kill the mainframe before it trips the deadman switch.


In Reply To: TrooperScooperMKII (117189) Posted On: 3/26/2011 12:27 PM

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Msg ID: 117197



I`v been poking around with google translater for messiah,

chosen one etc in obscure languages (well at least languages

that arn`t very common in north america, unlike say spanish, which a lot of players would recognize immediately). I`m hopping to have one that is in a language uncommon enough most of our players won`t know it and yet phonetically pleasing.

In Reply To: (117195) Posted On: 3/26/2011 2:17 AM

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Msg ID: 117195



Messiah [Any suggestions for Names?]

"My name is Dick Steel...Messiah."


Just a joke to get the name game started.

In Reply To: TrooperScooperMKII- Story Thread Posted On: 3/26/2011 1:24 AM

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Msg ID: 117192



You know this kind of gives me an idea for v2. Have you guys

ever heard of a rpg game called paranoia? I never played it

but here's the wiki;

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia_(role-playing_game). But

a quick run down is that the central computer paranoid and in

general batsh*t crazy. It relies heavily on dark humor/comedy.

The computer giving contradictory, nonsensical orders/missions



With v2 having a population of none too bright inbreds living

in the park, it probably wouldn't be a huge leap to have some

cloning going on. Maybe it could be an interesting background

or setting if the player plays along. And of course if not he

can just blast the park to shambles.

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The glove would basically be a modular upgrade for the Pip-Boy; it would cover the entire lower left arm and would have a mesh designed to look like an extended Pip-Boy in the proper location. IE it's a Pip-Boy "Upgrade" that's actually a glove weapon/equipped item. This would work perfectly in the sense that you can only equip one at a time (there could even be a script to keep the player from changing the glove easily) and it could have attached bonuses.
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