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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Yeah wasn't sure if the hand idea for the scutbots would be doable later when I thought about it more. Not that big a thing heh.


This mod has maids caps KDC 1950 Maid uniform


OK I'll PM him and see if we can use his models. I'm just learning blender so I'v only made one new face (I think that's the correct term), and it was a single triangle, where there was a little hole in the protectron mesh. Nor do I know how to uv texture it using the existing uv map (yet). But we would need a top for the skirt where it is just above the protectron hips). Some clothes like the ranger civ and rauls chaps already have a top, but I bet the maid uniform doesn't (at least not at the juncture of the skirt and shirt). But we don't need the maids until part 2 anyway so that gives me a couple of weeks to figure things out. Also I won't be using the real shirt, I'll just be re-texturing the chest to match (like cop-30). But all that, along with the cap should make a decent model.


So finished up the mark V today, I really like how it came out. It's my first edit of a skeleton (other than just removing bones) so it was a learning experience (even if it was just making the shoulders a little wider). I like how it came out, really gives that bulked up impression I was trying to convey. Also all of hte animations are spot on. There is a tiny bit of clipping between where the pec and bicep would be on a human, but it's fairly minor. Maybe I'll slap a hat and boots on and call it Hauss. Here is a comparison to a vanilla bot;




I'd hoped to be able to add armor, but the pauldrons are weirdly deformed no matter what I try. So the heavy protectron in robco will be unarmored.

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How long do you think it will be until its released?


Are you adding any custom weapons in this mod?


This post lists the to do list for part 1, but I'll repost it here;


Well it's too extensive to put out as one complete mod, so were just gonna break it into chapters.


This is what were looking at for the first chapter (it's pretty modest). It involves the following locations;

*Robco headquarters and manufacturing facility, including a R&D floor (that will be very interesting). I have to make a specialized heavy weapons protecton so the players know what they are up against, and I have to make a hologram display of the MKII performing various functions. I'm just guess but I'd say it could be finished by next weekend,

*Sunset HQ Mostly this will just be some extra background info/notes and a couple of deactivated park protectrons, so it's hardly worth mentioning. Won't take any time at all.

*Overpass viper raider camp. Will depend on either finding segments from lonesome road or failing that making collision meshes in blender. No estimate on how long that will take.

*COP-30. companion. Community Operations Protectron. 1st two models almost done (dirty and clean/repaired). Other models can wait (he will have the option in the future to be upgraded to MKII later at the park). Not too sure how long scripting for the companion functions will take.

*Sunset diner, gas station and the gift shop. Located just out side the collapsed park entrance. Should be easy to have these done in a few hours.

*Basic quest and dialog. Not too sure I'v only done one mod with a quest and dialog.

*Side quests and dialog, this involves turning the daughter into a sunset sarsaparilla fangirl, much in the same way Sierra was a Nuka cola fan girl in FO3. Only have a basic sketch, not sure how long it will take or if it will even be implemented.

*Sewers connecting the diner to the park. Optional may be in chp 1 or next chp 2. Shouldn't take long, layout is already done.


So now you know as much as we do. On the low end I'd estimate a week if everything goes well. But this mod is sick with feature creep, blink for a second and it doubles in size. So I'd hate to give any hard date.


Loosing sunset20.esp definitely sucked. It means I have to redo all of the robco office interiors (most of it is just a copy or repconn), which isn't a big deal, but loosing hte Robco R&D floor is a hit. It was custom and will burn up some time to remake. The other thing that will be time consuming to rebuild is the ncr forward post and what I had done with the raider overpass town. Placing objects on that 30 degree overpass was pretty tedious. But I'd guess a beta of part 1 about mid december.

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How long do you think it will be until its released?


Are you adding any custom weapons in this mod?


Sorry was flying through your comment and missed the 2nd part. The "rebels" idea lets me implement two new weapon categories. In total I'd like to implement 4 general groups of weapons each with a few uniques;

1. Cowboy shooting. This involves winchester and marlin lever action rifles, colt peacemakers etc. Both originals/antiques and replicas.

2. Rebel weapons are a mix of military and jury rigged weapons, leaning toward specially made weapons to combat robots specifically.

3. Mainframe weapons. The escalation between the rebels and the mainframe led to a short arms race. More effective weapons were developed and bots were outfitted with them. I'd like to try something similar to zeta where robotic weapons can be ripped from destroyed bots and used against them. These embedded weapons will be limited (they won't be reloaded by conventional ammo) but very powerful. They will probably include part of the robots limb.

4.Military weapons. These are weapons stocked by Bill and other high power military minded players in the park. I'm going to try and keep the same lore, but with slightly newer models (since Bill had access to the upper echelon of the military and their civilian contractors0. There will be uniques that are prototypes. An example would be an AER-15 prototype (ie 450nm) blue laser rifle.



None of the weapons will be available in part 1. Cowboy shooter firearms will be available in part 2 (the villa).


Most of the military weapons won't available until the later/last part/s. Bill has a small vault in the villa under his mansion, but the main arms are in the mainframe complex. The complex is a private vault that was supposed to be the command center of the park. It houses the mainframe, a full luxury suite, armory etc. It is essentially a place that could house Bill and a small number of his staff in luxury/comfort while serving as a military command center to to blast those freedom hating commie scum to kingdom come. As a worse case scenario It also has provisions for resettlement in case of an nuclear apocalypse. Part of those provisions are arms for a couple of dozen men.


Armor will also be available.

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ok gotta ask i realize its probably to early to know but is their a timeline for release?


Well at least a couple of weeks (to rebuild raider town & robco r&d), before a beta of part 1 is ready (and I imagine a week after that it will be up for public release-you guys are of course welcome to the beta), since all the custom assets (there weren't many) are done (except for the hologram display of the protectron 2). I'm guessing(?) new years(ish). It will involve the roboco office (and factory), a raider overpass town and a subterranean/sewer level.


Part 2 needs a fair amount of retextures and a mini world built, but it's still relatively modest in scope. Locations will include a continuation of the subterranean/sewer level, a unique reactor level and the villa Island. It's also where the player will get to see most of the custom bot content/resources and experience the flavor of the park proper. It's fairly linear; sewer->reactor-> villa island->check out villa (mess around, cause trouble)->chosen one contacts courier->mainframe exits hibernation->running battle->player retreats to wasteland. Since it's relatively self contained it could be out a month after part 1.


Part 3+ is much harder guess, primarily because I'd like it to be open ended. You may start at the tribals camp and end up in the mainframe complex at the end, but the roads you take nad the locations you visit are up to you. That means a whole worldspace with detailed locations.....a lot of work.

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