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Eugal Belette


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I found him dead near the Oak and Crosier. ( I didn't kill him) Is he needed for anything? The townspeople make comments about him and he has a Mythic Dawn skill book on him. Should I resurrect him, load an old save or let him rest in peace? Edited by ReALty
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Same thing happened to me with Eugal. I had Else God-Hater flip out in front of me in Skingrad and the guards put her down (she didn't attack me ... just started ranting). At the time I'd delivered the amulet but nothing further on the main quest. I had spoken to Else a couple of times when dropping off some root for Sinderion and she was quite grumpy. She followed me outside, started ranting and then oops, crossed some invisible line with the guards. None of the Mythic Dawn sleepers are necessary for continuing the main quest. If they're already dead it's just one less person to look out for after the Dagon Shrine quest.


If you want him around again you can open the console and click his body. This will get his refID at the top of your screen. Enter 'resurrect 1' without the quotes and he'll get up and resume his life. If his disposition towards you is low enough, he may attack (you can avoid this by moving out of sight before issuing the resurrect 1).

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Thanks for the quick reply Striker879. I think I will let him rest in peace and go check out his house since I have his key now. I don't know how he died . I just found his lifeless body laying in the street. There was one of the dogs around, did it kill him or did he irritate a guard? I do have Crowded Cities installed which adds muggers, thieves and vampires which attack me but the guards usually gang up on them and kill them pretty quick.
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My guess would be guard, but like you I didn't see Eugal's demise. I have appropriated his house (as you're planning). Only thing annoying is the missing textures/meshes in the basement (fixed by the UOP patch, but then I'd lose my permanent bound armor ... and I'm addicted to zero weight + good stats).
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IIRC Eugal Belette is a Mythic Dawn sleeper agent.


Yep. All the "sleeping" Mythic Dawn agents become active after the Dagon Shrine quest (I think). They'll summon their bound armor and weapons if they get within sight of you. Sometimes the guards or townsfolk will kill them before you ever see them, because at that point, they become hostile to everyone. Eugal is one of these agents, as is Else God-Hater. I think there are about two per city and four or five in the Imperial City.

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Actually if you raise their disposition towards you high enough (i.e. maxed) before you start the Dagon Shrine quest some (if not most) won't attack. I only got jumped once after the Dagon Shrine quest, so now I have a few 'tame' agents left in my game (main quest done). Edited by Striker879
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On the subject of sleeper agents, I was in the tavern in Chorrol when one of the agents became active. I am playing with several CM partner additions so the tavern had about 10 people in it, they promptly killed the agent, then turned on each other. I hid in the corner and when it was finished there were about 5 bodies on the floor. I assume one or two hit each other in the agent killing melee then turned on each other. It was something to see :thumbsup:
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