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Modding Asssistance requested - Fallout 3 port of Slave Scarf


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I apologize if this isn't posted in the right location, I'll move it if requested.

Like many people, when fallout 4 was announced, I decided to play fallout 3 again. Which is cool, because my archaic laptop can run it decently on a medium graphical setting. More on that in a second.

I need assistance with a port I am building of New Vegas assets for fallout 3. Specifically, I need the .nif or mesh file for the female variant Slave Scarf, because I'd like to add it to fallout three. I added a picture of it below.

Its a cool scarf. I'd like to use it as apart of my mod. On a better computer, I could just download New Vegas, and just extract the nif from the BSA, and bring it into Fallout 3, no problem.

On this computer, its one game or the other. I've been trying to hunt down the actual Nif for the slave scarf on the nexus. Sadly, it is absent

If anyone could point me in the direction of resources that might have what Im looking for, or even just send me the nif itself, so I can bring it to the capital wasteland, that would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to send me the nif, feel free to privately message me.

Thank you for any assistance your able to provide.

- Dala

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wasnt planning on it. Im too lazy to do that anyway. :tongue: its a personal mod. Is there something wrong with porting aspects from one game to another? Im genuinely asking. Someone ported the NV riot armor to the fallout 3 nexus...

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Okay, I asked the chatroom people. Its okay for personal use if you legally own both games. And I was able to retrieve the mesh through my copy steam copy of new vegas. Sorry if I unwittingly violated any rules in asking this. Thanks again.


- Dala

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Okay, I asked the chatroom people. Its okay for personal use if you legally own both games. And I was able to retrieve the mesh through my copy steam copy of new vegas. Sorry if I unwittingly violated any rules in asking this. Thanks again.

no you're clear, i was just trying to warn you so as to keep you from getting into trouble.

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