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First Person Camera Bug after switching camera mode


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For me editing CameraMode in Oblivion Reloaded's plugin INI to a Zero (disabling it) to fix an issue where I couldn't get into 1st person view worked. But when loading a game the first-person camera will be too high (actually at the level where the 3rd person camera would be but in first person view). This can be "fixed" temporarily by attacking which will lower the camera's view. Funny thing is I tried disabling the Reloaded ESP and the OblivionReloaded.INI and OblivionReloaded.dll didn't fix the issue of the first-person camera being too high until I attack. So I'm at a loss of how I can fix the issue. For a minute I thought it was Reloaded's fault because CameraMode to 0 fixed the height issue but then I can't get into 1st person view. And disabling Reloaded didn't fix the height issue either >_<!! I'd do most anything to fix the height issue. I tried using Growlf's 1st person skeleton NIF but that didn't help either. Arrghh!

Any advice, please?

P.S. [This part is good for those using Oblivion Reloaded and don't want some of the effects:
To disable Depth of Field, Motion Blur, & EnableBloodLens (Blood on lens/screen) after installing Oblivion Reloaded edit EnableDepthOfField and EnableMotionBlur in your OblivionReloaded.ini located at: Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins
Also the meshes from Reloaded are the cause of the acrobatic attack which I didn't like so I removed them.]

Edited by ntblood
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  • 5 months later...

I'm having not only an issue with height, but disabling camera mode makes me unable to have my arms.

Basically, with OR activated I can't see my arms\weapons on the screen, but if I attack someone I will.

But with the camera disabled, while the weapons and the shield\torch come back to the screen like if I was playing vanilla Oblivion, my body will disappear and the sword is hold by a invisible hand. Same for the torch.

Never seen such a convoluted mod.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the tips, gang.


My problem with the Camera Mode in OR is the fact that hugging walls results in being able to "see through'' them, as well as having your arms feel disconnected to your body when swinging weapons sometimes.


I for one, LOVE total body awareness mods, but this just does funky stuff with the camera. The FOV=90 also seems to really mess up DarNified.

Edited by jovalleau
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

You can set the 'CameraMode' setting in 'Main' section to 0 to disable changes to camera. Like that:


CameraMode = 0

It's 2019, but that won't stop me from thanking you profusely for your help all those years ago. I've been pulling my hair out trying to un-f*#@ my first person camera, and stumbled upon this thread and your fix. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so very much!

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  • 11 months later...

I'm like 5 years late, but I'm still having issues. If I have camera mode enabled, so set to 1, I can't see my arms in first person, I just look through them. I would disable that, so set the Camera mode to 0, however disabling it puts the moronic dialogue zoom back, so it's back to being so zoomed in that I'm basically licking the NPCs face whenever I talk to them. The normal Oblivion.Ini file is being over run by the OblivionReloaded file, so changes to the fdlgFocus doesn't work either, and obviously changes to the deactivated camera mode won't do s#*&#33;. Maybe I'm just picky, but is it really not possible to be able to see ones arms in first person and also not feel like I'm standing 2 inches from an NPCs face while I talk to them?

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I'm like 5 years late, but I'm still having issues. If I have camera mode enabled, so set to 1, I can't see my arms in first person, I just look through them. I would disable that, so set the Camera mode to 0, however disabling it puts the moronic dialogue zoom back, so it's back to being so zoomed in that I'm basically licking the NPCs face whenever I talk to them. The normal Oblivion.Ini file is being over run by the OblivionReloaded file, so changes to the fdlgFocus doesn't work either, and obviously changes to the deactivated camera mode won't do s***. Maybe I'm just picky, but is it really not possible to be able to see ones arms in first person and also not feel like I'm standing 2 inches from an NPCs face while I talk to them?


Note that OR changes Oblivion.ini to read only ... wondering if that may be why your fDlgFocus isn't sticking.


I have my own set to fDlgFocus=5.9500 even though I don't use Oblivion Reloaded (my Oblivion.ini is set to read only though, so changing it to read/write is just one more step I need to remember whenever I want to make changes to it).

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