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Recent posts section missing in Forum.


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I've recently not been as active on the forums, upon returning I seem to be unable to find a few sections.


There used to be a Fallout 3 Forum section like "Recent Posts" or similar that listed the latest posts on Fallout 3 files.

It was very useful for a quick way to scan what was going on.


Handy to for getting recently posted files a bit of attention before they get to hot files.


There also used to be a Forum section for the Image share, again very useful for seeing what was new & more importantly if your replies to an image had been responded to.


I'm pretty sure I'm going to the same place I always did.


Have these sections been moved to another location or have they been removed?

A shame if they are gone.


Sorry if this has been explained, as I say I've not been as active lately though I looked back through the posts in this section several pages to see if anyone had mentioned it.


Thanks for any help!



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This has not changed in several years


FO3 forums http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=278,281

For recent posts - look in the upper right to find a tab that says "View New Content'

Then once you click that, in the left side for other options on whatyou want to view


For the image share - go to the Front page of the Fallout 3 section - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/?

Look at the tabs at the top for the one labeled 'Images'

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Hello - bben46!

Thanks for responding.

"This has not changed in several years"

Not been that long since I've been away from the forums. :)

"FO3 forums http://forums.nexusm...x.php?c=278,281
For recent posts - look in the upper right to find a tab that says "View New Content'
Then once you click that, in the left side for other options on whatyou want to view"

Clicking View New Content brings up something similar but it's content from all forums not just Fallout 3.

There used to be a section in:


Where you could go straight to Fallout 3 related new posts, like new posts on mods.

"For the image share - go to the Front page of the Fallout 3 section - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/?
Look at the tabs at the top for the one labeled 'Images'"

I usually go to images via the "Latest Images" link on the front page, viewing them isn't a problem.

However it's the forum version that's missing or rather the link to it in the forum pages.

There used to be a section in the Fallout 3 forum where you could view the latest posts in the Fallout 3 image gallery.
Handy as latest comments on images would bring them up to the top so you could quickly see if there had been responses.

Clicking "View forum thread" on the images leads to it's Forum version & back tracking from there leads to:


But again that's a list of site wide images, not just Fallout 3 images as was previously available in a section in the Fallout 3 forum.

Like I say, it's not been that long I've been away from the forum section, has no one else noticed these sections missing?
Surely I'm not going (more) senile. :)


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Seems like the missing sub sections have all been combined together now here:




Though it's nowhere near as useful merged like that as you are looking at all the different games comments from the entire Nexus combined.


File topics, Image topics & even Articles all used to appear as subsections within the individual Game forums so if you wanted to to see only Fallout 3 content you'd go to the Fallout 3 Forum.


Doesn't even look like you can filter that section to only show specific game related material either, I looked through the custom options.


Any plans to return these sub sections to the Forums where they are useful?



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Hello - Dark0ne

Thank-you for responding!

I knew it had changed & recently.

It's a shame those sub sections had to be dropped, at least the Image & recent File post sections.

Although searching deeply through them was of little use as mentioned in your post, the ability to see what was posted most recently in a specific Game's forum was really useful.


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