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Lore or non-lore?



24 members have voted

  1. 1. How much do you care about lore?

    • Very much.
    • I don't bother myself with it, but prefer lore-friendly mods
    • I don't think about it: I stuff my Oblivion with all plugins I like
    • My Oblivion is styled (medieval, anime, steampunk, etc.)

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Oblivion is my first Elder Scrolls game, so I am still learning the lore. The more I learn, the more interested I am in sticking with lore friendly mods. That said, I am also becoming interested in a full conversion which has its own different lore., and I may at some point in the distant future play a styled version. I like internal consistency, I guess, but I will sometimes make an exception if something is just too special to pass up. Nothing completely hostile to lore I don't think, but I have a few races in the game that as far as I know are probably not canon.
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I'm also on my first go round with an Elder Scrolls game. Through my lack of lore knowledge 'my guy' has been saddled with my old standard no imagination handle (starts with a capital 'S'). Once I started learning more of the lore I started to feel his discomfort (imagine a proud Dunmer saddled with such a name). I wanted a great name for my next guy. Read books looking for an uncommon name suitable for a Dark Elf in exile. Thought I'd found the perfect one in an obscure rare book. Then, while perusing some old posts here, what do I find ... 'my' name, appropriated by another (well I guess he could have said the same about me, it was an old post).


Yes lore is important to me, and by the time I find that unique name I hope to know a lot more.

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Oh damn. I wish there had been a middleground between "Very much" and "I don't bother myself with it, but prefer lore-friendly mods"

The former seems too uncompromising while the latter seems too dismissive (might be the wrong word, sorry)

I've recently (as in, a month perhaps?) come to love the lore of Elder Scrolls, before I didn't really bother that much with it.

Haven't made any custom races other than a modified dark elf since...


"I don't bother myself with it, but prefer lore-friendly mods" sounds like they don't care if their mods don't make sense, but I do bother myself with it. But some of the mods I still use, they just bother me a bit but not enough to disable them. It's armor mostly, unfortunately there are too many sweet-looking things out there. While they aren't blatantly modern or futuristic, some of it is odd considering some factors. I have many times not used something if it went a bit too over the top...seems that line is easy to cross, but I can still use something that is just a bit below the line...that nags me a little bit constantly.

"Very much", with the loss of any reference to mods, sounds like they play with vanilla only and never compromise even a little bit.

Edited by aeriedescent
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