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Best Modders


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Maybe this should be called "My personal favourite modders" - if they aren't on the nexus list them anyway if you like their work. No links please as some sites may infringe forum rules.


I'm starting this thread for people to post public appreciation of some of the modders out there who go "the extra mile" - the ones who produce the best mods, or the cleverest, or the ones who pstand by and support people using their mods and improve them based upon feedback.


My personal starting list is:


Drake the Dragon - for his awesome work on the Scripted Argonian Feet and the Argonian Beautification mods - responded rapidly to a moron (me ) making a mess of installing and talked me through the process - well done Drake!


Razorpony - for picking up my ideas on reworking the Khajiit race with "proper" feet and making it already look so much better - and that's before it is even ready for testing.


AlienSlof - for the horses and the robes - the new job is greatly deserved.


Grumpf_be - for Claudia's Little secret - one of the most complex mods technically that I've seen, and his entire testing team for that matter - a great job done by all.


Colourwheel - for making Oblivion into an eye candy fest :)


The Better Cities and Unique Landscapes teams - for the incredible amount of impressive work they've done - and they are still actively working/improving stuff.


Oscuro for OOO :)




All the people who worked on the Unofficial Patches, and OBMM and Wrye Bash.


Also a special mention for slygothmog who has been reliably cheery when greeting me ijn chat - even when I *DO* ask some silly questions.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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I'd say Quartz. His amazing castle mod (Glenvar) was the one that got me started on modding when I learned the CS to make minor changes to it. It's an amazing castle that still fits in well with the game. Also he does some interesting quest lines and tech support at that.




(Hope this topic doesn't magically turn into a flamefest)

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My vote goes to fore and his NoMaaM series. Not only is fore active in supporting his mods (as well as developing new and improved content) he is active on these forums helping support other people's mods and budding animators where he can. If I'm allowed more than one nomination, Emma and CDCooley have to be close to the top, if not at the top, of all time active supporters of a mod with Vilja.
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I'd say that there is no such thing as the best modders. Every modder makes things that he/she believes are beautiful/useful, etc. No one has the same preferences so we can't really choose the best modder just because a few users like his/her work and post here.


Plus, there are maaaaaaany other modders that aren't even on this site. I'd like to mention Krista - russian modder, Stephan - chinese or japanese modder, kalesien - I think korean, Hwibalyu - also korean, Ancient_laws - chinese I think ( have you ever seen his dragons ? ) and the list goes on. The very few people that know their mods will say that they're amazing. And yet, they will receive very few votes ( if any ) just because they don't post their work here.

There are other people that mod for themselves and never release their work. For example, does anyone know Eyren's Ayleid warrior variation or Spiderlily? Both amazing mods, but never released for public. Would that make Eyren a less amazing modder?

Does the modders that have a real talent for mash ups aren't good just because they don't create things from scratch? Have you ever seen Chakaru's, Darigaz's or Driavna's mash ups? And those are ones just a few of the examples I know.

And I haven't seen any race being mentioned so far. What? Are the races useless? Not a good mod or something like that?

And what about the one that make rips? Don't they also require a large amount of knowledge and talent to make them? Just because they are hard to get doesn't mean that they don't exist. Or that they aren't marvelous.

So... to choose the best modders is practically impossible. Just think how many good modders are out there and don't even know them or seen their work. The modding community isn't all on Nexus.

I agree, Nexus has a very large mods database, but not all of them.

Edited by Kjkirimi
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Thanks for the comments Kjkirimi, and I agree with you about some of the marvelous non-Nexus modders. I very much look forward to some happy hours Googling based on the list you gave, and hopefully some others will too. I'm hoping to make this thread a list of modders where there are no negative comments or political omissions, at least as far as forum rules allow - but no links in case one ends up getting the thread locked.
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I think that modders who make high-quality mods and then don't release them are cowards. So I would have to say that they are not good modders, but they could chose to become good modders. It is up to them.


I would like to add GrandDukeAdense to this list for his amazing dungeon mods.


I would like to add antistar for Hoarfrost Castle, the most completely debugged quest and dungeon mod I have ever played -- absolutely flawless when I played.

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I think its unfair for me to mention any particular modders. I use so many mods that all of them deserve credit. But Id have to say that the one modder whose mods I use the most are those by TheNiceOne. TNO has some spectacular mods that take things youd never have thought were necessary at all and makes them essential.
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