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PC upgrade to use a LOT of mods.


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Hi guys! I got Fallout 3 on the PC recently and love it to bits. I want to start installing mods, which I can. Just one problem: They always crash my game whenever I try to use Fallout 3 with the mods running, it crashes. If anyone can help me with this problem, it would be highly appreciated.


Also, if the problem is that I need to upgrade my PC, here are it's specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 220 processor 2.80 GHz

Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.75 GB usable)

System type: 64-bit Operating System

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I don't think an upgrade is necessary.


Most crashes happen because of a bad load order. I would ask a moderator to move your thread to the Fallout 3 section to get more help :)

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Aye, you need something like FOMM, and to re-order them so they dont cause problems.


As for a modding PC, a nice big hard drive, lots of RAM, and a thumpin' huge set of speakers I'd say, especialy the HDD and speakers.


However if you actualy intend to become a modder yourself, a high-precision mouse maybe, like a G-9 or similar, or if you can afford one, a pen input(exact name unknown), for precision drawing.

Edited by Vindekarr
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... or if you can afford one, a pen input(exact name unknown), for precision drawing.


They're called Digitizers. Cause they take analog movement (your hand) and make it digital.


Most normal people call them Wacom tablets as that's the name of the manufacturer who makes the most popular ones.

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