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How many saved games do you have and how much space they take?


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The things you find out trying to answer questions ... whew!!! Would you believe 1098 files using 3.55GB of disk space (and I've deleted a lot of old saves). Obviously I'm not hard pressed for hard drive space. To find out your situation right click your Saves folder in My Documents\My Games\Obilivion. Then select Properties from the right click menu ... your size, size on disk (actual space used to store the files) and number of files will be listed. Time for me to get pruning again.
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Would be 4382 saves according to last save's name, but there are really just 1 518 Files, 2,72 GB

Do the file names count in quicksaves and autosaves? That would explain? And wouldn't really be 1 518 files though, there's is one extra files related to every save from the menu and three to autosave, quicksave and streamsaves. 725 unique saves from the menu, then.

Saves 1-985 were from May and June 2010, the rest (up to 4382) are from since this year's January.


Guess I should delete most but I just can't be arsed. :pinch:

Edited by aeriedescent
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basically play with 4 games, found that having one open save game on the menu, never touch the autosave,


I have saved stuff at points that I would not mind going back to, so there are folders with four games that I created while playing the game, usually after completing the quests, or made major changes in the game, there are 3 of these folders.

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Well, I sure learned something new today. 84 save files occupying 171 MB of disk space. The vast majority of these, though, are save files used for editing a character's appearance or for screenshooting purposes, so I really only have a couple of save files that I actually use.


With the addition of the backup save files, the file count soars to 415 files at 268 MB. Too many files!

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I have about 20 characters and about 10 saves per character, so I would average about 200 savegames. It looks like I have 936 MB of saves. Now and then I go in and make sure that I only have 10 saves per character and delete old ones to get down to this number.


Savegames are nice to have around. If someone reports a bug in one of my mods, I often have a savegame at the right place and time period that I can use for play-testing. Say nothing of how spare savegames can protect you from loss through effects of bad mods, CTDs, and corrupted savegames.

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