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SKSE Real Questions - Real Answers


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How does SKSE work with the creation kit?


When I update a script with SKSE what folder will it be in?

Where is the interface for SKSE? I have seen some of the 5 dozen installation videos and they show the person launching skyrim and then the video ends.


What if I were to update the game via SKSE and then not want to use the program anymore?


What is the memory patch???


Just out of curiosity. Does anyone know why there are 70 tutorials on how to install this product and not one on how to use it??



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How does SKSE work with the creation kit?


When I update a script with SKSE what folder will it be in?


Where is the interface for SKSE? I have seen some of the 5 dozen installation videos and they show the person launching skyrim and then the video ends.


What if I were to update the game via SKSE and then not want to use the program anymore?


What is the memory patch???


Just out of curiosity. Does anyone know why there are 70 tutorials on how to install this product and not one on how to use it??



1: You just install the 7z version of SKSE, extract to Skyrim, and then script with the functions in SKSE the same way you would normally. Be sure you're getting the 7z version, not the installer.


2: Same spot as normal scripts.


3: How do you mean? To run Skyrim with SKSE enabled, you just run the SKSE.exe instead of Skyrim, and it will then load Skyrim. See Gopher's videos. To use it in scripts, see 1. You don't even touch the EXE. There's no "interface". It's a script extender - adding new functions and events.


4: I don't know what you mean by "update the game with SKSE"? You can install and uninstall SKSE at any time without affecting your game, but it will obviously make any SKSE dependent mods you have non-functioning, and any scripts you have that use SKSE functions or events will fail to compile until you reinstall the 7z version.


5: The memory patch was originally made by sheson. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1340369-skyrim-memory-patch-fixing-ils-ugrids-ctd-freezes-for-real/ Somewhere in here is something saying how or a link to how it works. It's been incorporated into SKSE now, and you need this to enable it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51038/?


6: Because it's not too hard to use. :P And I do have a tutorial on scripting with it on my site Skyrim MW, under Common Modding Questions.

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You double-click SKSE and it launches the game for u. It simply extends the programming language and makes it easier for people to access functionalities in the Skyrim Engine.

Memory patch is file u place in ur data folder made by Sheson. It basically edits the way memory is handled by the game to make more stable.

There are 70 tutorials because its the number one downloaded mod item for Skyrim, which means the people making those videos can monetize off the traffic.

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Real Answer:

If your a user who has no idea of writing scripts for mods and not interested in doing so either.

Then SKSE is merely tool that offers mod writers to do things otherwise not possible in the native Skyrim scripting language called papyrus.


SKSE does not have a Graphical User Interface (GUI), basically it extension of functions that may be used in the papyrus scripting language.


You don't update Skyrim via SKSE, you update your game via steam.


The reason for so many dumb ass videos is pretty self explanatory, but my words will offend if I say it the way I see it.


Basically there are way to many clueless users that need their hand held to do the most simple things and every step of the way.

Such as:

unzip an archive.

navigate windows to where their game is installed.

overwriting or replacing existing files.


All some people know is "I click the icon and it doesn't work" and they know no further then that.

hence the reason for so many videos with people trying to make it easier on those that are clueless.

Which in the bigger picture makes it all seem more complicated then it really is.

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How does SKSE work with the creation kit?

SKSE does not interact with the creation kit. SKSE extends the scripting capability of Papyrus.


When I update a script with SKSE what folder will it be in?

Not sure what you mean by update a script, but if you choose to use a function from SKSE it will behave exactly like all the vanilla scripts ..\Skyrim\Data\Scripts


Where is the interface for SKSE? I have seen some of the 5 dozen installation videos and they show the person launching skyrim and then the video ends.

The interface is the functions and types provided in the distribution source files. The documentation can be found on the CK Wiki. Most functionality is integrated with the default types for example Actor Script


What if I were to update the game via SKSE and then not want to use the program anymore?

Then simply stop launching your game with the skse loader. You can even remove the files if you like. Of course mods that have skse as a dependency wont work correctly.


What is the memory patch???

The memory patch is an skse ini file that provides options for memory allocation optimizations.


Just out of curiosity. Does anyone know why there are 70 tutorials on how to install this product and not one on how to use it??

Because 99.9% of people dont need or want to know how to use it. This kind of information is only useful for mod developers. Users dont need to do anything besides double click the skse loader.


Also I need to add that its not a 'product' as you didnt pay anything for it.

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Alright I asked some real questions and got some real answers.


What I meant by " What if I were to update the game via SKSE and then not want to use the program anymore?"


My concern is. I use this program and update a lot of scripts with it and then for some reason I don't want to use it anymore. I will have to run down all those scripts and redo them. I guess that would be something anyone would need to think about before using this program.


The program does not have an interface. So when I use the Creation Kit to make and modify scripts the new functions will be available and will compile???


The folder under the Data folder - Ser or Scr. That is only for developers of SKSE or does it have some use for mod makers.?




Edited by Masterofnet
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Here are the real answers to the real questions asked. Thanks for the help.


How does SKSE work with the creation kit?

Very well. Once properly installed you have accesses to a large# of new script functions that compile in the kit and function in game.



When I update a script with SKSE what folder will it be in?

Same Folder

Where is the interface for SKSE?

It does not have one. It adds script functions that you can access and compile via the creation kit.


What if I were to update the game via SKSE and then not want to use the program anymore?

This was more of a concern than a question. If you install this program and modify scripts using the functions it offers and you decide to uninstall it. You will have to run down those scripts and update them. That is something you may want to consider.



What is the memory patch???

It is supposed to help reduce crashes.

" The memory patch was originally made by sheson. http://forums.nexusm...eezes-for-real/ Somewhere in here is something saying how or a link to how it works. It's been incorporated into SKSE now, and you need this to enable it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51038/? " Mattiewagg


The folder under the Data folder - Src Is it only for developers of SKSE or does it have some use for mod makers?

" No you dont need the src(source) folder from SKSE " scrivener07


If anyone else has more questions pertaining to SKSE feel free to ask them.



Edited by Masterofnet
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The folder under the Data folder - Src Is it only for developers of SKSE or does it have some use for mod makers?

" No you dont need the src(source) folder from SKSE " scrivener07

Thats useful if your developing an skse plugin. The somefile.dll located .\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\
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Speaking of SKSE plugins.


Do you think SKSE or a plugin could resolve these issues with the Creation Kit?


Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \ bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)


The "Projectile akProjectile" on this event does not even work. It will return !projectile on any projectile that I have tested.

We have a game that relies heavily on archery and can not even get the arrow or arrow projectile that struck an opponent or the player???





Event OnPlayerBowShot(Weapon akWeapon, Ammo akAmmo, float afPower, bool abSunGazing)


This event could be very useful in an a lot of ways if it had ( Target aktarget ) and could be placed on any actor not just the player.





Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)


This event will not work on the player.

Again we have a game that relies heavily on combat and we do not have an event on combat change for the player??????






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