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[WIP] Nehrim


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Nehrim - At Fate's Edge

Total Conversion for Oblivion




(Link to the last thread)



Nehrim is a work in progress Total Conversion for the RPG The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. That means it is a self-contained game that bases upon the Oblivion game engine, but has no relation to Oblivion's lore. It is a world in which neither Tamriel nor any other TES based name exists.

The continent itself on which the game is situated is called Nehrim, it is completely independent from the base game.


Nehrim is developed by the Sureai Team (www.sureai.de). We have already created two Total Conversions for Morrowind, named Arktwend and Myar Aranath, but unfortunately there never was an english version of them.

This time, however, we will develop a full translated english version of the project. That includes translated texts as well as English voice acting.


It is impossible to give a sure release date at this moment, however, we aim to finish Nehrim in 2008. We always keep everything within the bounds of possibility and currently make huge progresses in building the countryside, cities, forests and villages of Nehrim.


Our aim is to create a fantasy world which is as lively and atmospheric as realisable in the limits of our possiblilities. We primarily develop Nehrim for those players who love RPGs and were disappointed by Oblivion on that score. Nehrim will be a role playing game with elements of action, no action game with elements of role playing games.



Screenshots, videos and more can be found on our website!




Q: How big will the world of Nehrim be and how is it created?

The continent of Nehrim is approximately the size of Vvardenfell (the world of Morrowind), so in fact, it is a bit smaller than Cyrodiil in Oblivion. But Nehrim's countryside is handcrafted and will be far more varied than the humdrum forests in Oblivion which where mostly created by a forest generator.



Q: How long will it take to play the game from beginning to end?

Unlike Oblivion, the Main Quest will take center stage in Nehrim. The Main Quest will not only be intense, but also long. In Oblivion, you are able to finish it in about 10 hours, which will be definitely not possible in Nehrim. Additionally, there will be many sidequests.


Q: What is the biggest difference from Nehrim to Oblivion in terms of game mechanics?

The skill system. In Nehrim you will enhance your level by receiving experience points (Eps). You will get EPs by killing monsters and mainly by finishing quests. Consequently, the player has a real reason to play quests, not only to get a bit of gold or to have something to do. With every level-up the Player receives �learning points" that can be used at special NPCs in order to increase your skills – just like in the Gothic game series.


Q: What is the story about?

As the caption already reveals, fate will play a big part in the story of Nehrim. However, it will be from a rather different point of view than usual. We wanted to avoid overused stories like: �an evil necromancer threatens the glorious empire and wants to gain world domination" at all costs. In fact, the story will have some tragic aspects, but more than that, we cannot tell you. However, about the background story we can: Nehrim is definitely not the idyllic fantasy empire that many people expect it to be. At the time the player enters this country, there rages a bloody civil war.



Q: Are there new weapons, armors and spells?

Yes. You will find enough of them in Nehrim. The real powerful items you will not find at the friendly merchant's next door, but as quest rewards or as loot in deep dungeons.



Q: Will there be the Fast Travel System from Oblivion in Nehrim?

No. There will be "common" travel possibilities, such as in Morrowind, and you can buy horses in order to travel faster. But don't worry, the quest design will adapt to that circumstance. You never will have to stray through the wilderness because the quest objects lies in the darkest forest and there is no way to go there except on foot.



Q: What about the guilds?

There are no guilds, at least no official ones. Of course the people of Nehrim belong to certain groupings, however, the player will not be able to do any jobs for them. Fighters' or Mages' guilds simply do not make any sense in country ravaged by war. On the other hand, the normal side quests will be far more comprehensive than the ones of Oblivion. Single quests might hold the player for several hours.



Q: Let's say Nehrim is finished and I download it. What is the technical procedure now?

The best way is to install Nehrim into a copy of your Oblivion folder. Thereby you can avoid any conflicts between the two games in advance, and you can change between them quickly.



Q: Can I keep my Oblivion character for playing Nehrim?

No, for that would be contradictory to the game mechanics. But to silence the fear: Just because you have to create a new character for Nehrim, you will not need to delete your old Oblivion avatars, we would like to tell you that both can coexist, in fact in Oblivion. Nehrim is, as already mentioned, a completely new game and hence requires the player to start as a greenhorn.



Q: Q: Will there be Level Scaling, i.e. will the enemies become stronger when I become more powerful?

No, definitely not. The strength of the enemies will not depend on your level, but on the region they are located. There will be some places in the world where only the strongest heroes can go to because the monsters there are too strong for low-level characters. Because of that system, the player will be motivated to become stronger in order to be able to enter new territories and encounter new types of enemies. The level of a region will be shown in the HUD, so that you will not experience a bad surprise. In case the player needs to cross a high-level region (e.g. because of a questline), the ways will be free of monsters and other enemies.



Q: Will the items the player can find and the items the NPCs are equipped with depend on the player's level?

Bandits wearing Daedric armor?

No! The items' quality depends on the region which you find them in. Anyway, you will never meet a bandit with Daedric armor. On one hand, this armor type will not appear in Nehrim; on the other hand it doesn't make any sense. Such valuable armor and weapons will be quite rare in the world, and you will never find them complete at one place (i.e. the whole armor set in one chest). There will be unique and legendary items in the world. In order to find them, you will have to read books and follow several sidequests. These item are mostly hidden at places a low-level character has no chance to enter alive. Enchantments are also quite seldom. In Oblivion it was very easy to create a god character just by enchanting items.



Q: How will the Player start the adventure?

In a prison?

That would be traditional; however, Nehrim will not start that way. More we don't want to blab, it is just annoted that Nehrim's start locations will be far more spectacular than those of Oblivion...



Q: Will there be a new soundtrack and will the dialogues be dubbed?

Yes. The new music will care that the world really feels new to you. And we also believe in the great importance to the voice acting in Nehrim.



Q: Am I forced to play with a pre-generated character (for example like in Gothic)?

The character generation will be the same as in Oblivion. You can choose from different races, classes and signs.

Q: Is it compatible to OOO, RAFIM, Warcry and IDONTKNOWWHAT?

Nehrim has nothing to do with Oblivion. Consequently these mods cannot be used together with Nehrim, since they were not developed for it.

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This looks interesting, you seem to really care about this, which is definitely a good thing. Any chance you'll be introducing new races for this mod?

My advice is, just don't abandon the project. I have a feeling you won't, though, given your track record. So no worries.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This looks interesting, and professional, which is a good thing for a TC. Will you have an English version for it? I would assume yes because I've seen english voice actors on your team's list, but I could be wrong.
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Heh, some more competition for PS... We are using an XP system too, though rather differently. It all sounds good (though the screenshot links don't work). Story doesn't really grab me, but the promised content is interesting. Good luck to you and your team.
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  • 1 month later...

All right, I wasn't around the last time, so sorry there was no earlier reply. I changed the first post, you will be linked directly to our gallerie now.


And yes, there will be a full English translation, including the voice acting :)

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You must be some sort of mechanical monster man. You're actually making something that looks... good! unlike all those other flat, lifeless mods out there (no offense to the creators of those mods).


I'm giving you some kudos, bloody brilliant.

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You must be some sort of mechanical monster man. You're actually making something that looks... good! unlike all those other flat, lifeless mods out there (no offense to the creators of those mods).


I'm giving you some kudos, bloody brilliant.


Oh, this sounds good. Thanks for the commendation :)

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