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[WIP] Nehrim


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Any solution to that yet?


Yes. We don't use rocks to set the base of a castle :P

Maybe you have the impression from certain screenshots, but there's always "real" landscape underneath the rocks which you can see from the distance.



By the way, the website is just temporarily not available.


LoL.. :) thats okay then.

I was actually talking about shots like this f.e.


or this http://www.sureai.de/index.php?option=com_...p;id=68#ponyimg

where the rocks seems to be a basic part of the landscape...


Anyway... I'm pretty sure you 're going to do a good job in any case...


The Best of luck ;)

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er so your saying that your making an UBER MOD that is incompatible with all mods that have edited almost anything physically in the game I'm confused i love midas magic looks cool though. also wtf why no fast travel and will i have to delete my character or will this be another .exe. and also there is exp but is there still skills. and will this mod be easily modable or somthing weird.
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I was always in favor of the “push back release date in order to finish the game”. Oblivion was obviously rushed in the final stages, and tailored for a console audience (and anyone who thinks differently is being blinded by the shiny objects and not really looking around the room).


This may very well be what Oblivion lacked, and I say “do NOT push this out for release, despite ANY attempts to rush”. Do what you will do and release something everyone will absolutely love. And as you are making this without monetary compensation (as per legality), no one has the right to be angry about a pushed back release date.

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Looking fantastic, Arandor! I read the interview. I had no idea you were so young! That's a heck of a lot of talent for one so young, I must say.


I'm standing by for voice acting duty whenever you may need it. Best of luck! It looks like you're doing a great job.


And btw, I teach English to children and also the language itself to foreign students, so if there are any problems with getting the lines just right then I'm sure I can help to smooth things out and make them sound more natural. Plus I've been doing a lot more writing of dialogue recently for the mods I've been working for. So if you need an extra creative boost for characters, I may be able to help out.

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