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OBSE will not load. Proper Install, tried older loader etc


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Hi Everyone,

I've been fighting with a fresh install and modding of oblvion for a couple days and just can't seem to get it working right. OBSE will not load, or for the brief instant it was working, seems to turn off or disable somehow, possibly when I run Loot. I was having issues with blockhead not loading which led me to realize OBSE wasn't running. I used the OBSE test plugin to confirm.

OBSE is properly installed in the same dir as oblivion.exe. I've also tried the older version obse loader linked via Steam's forums. Still no luck. Steam itself (and oblivion) are installed to C:/Steam and not a program files directory. I've tried running various compatibility and switching all the executables to admin. Finally I noticed that some mods had the plugins in 'OBSE/plugin' or 'OBSE/plugins' so I made sure both were in place and identical to be extra super safe. Tried deleting my oblivion.ini in my docs as well. Didn't help (actually just messed up a lot of stuff).


Any tips/suggestions for something I might have missed, I just can't get the damn obse to load and function.

Rig is more than capable hardware wise, OS is Windows 10, install is on an SSD. Version is an up to date Steam GOT"Y. Can't really think of any other info that's necessary.

Any help would be really appreciated.



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How do you start the game? You have Steam so, from what I hear (never done that myself), you should be able to just launch Oblivion from Steam if you have all the dlls that come with OBSE in the same folder with Oblivion.exe. If you had a retail disc version, you would need to use the obse_loader.exe to start the game, but it will probably not work with Steam? Maybe?


I cannot really think of anything else at the moment. Unless it is Windows 10 that is causing it. Probably not. :P

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I'm having the same problem and I'm guessing its Windows 10.

obse worked fine yesterday on win7 and today after updating to win10 it no longer works. I changed nothing else


So I am pretty sure its win10, guess I will have to continue without it. Hope someone is able to fix it soon :D

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I've been doing a bit more testing and it's not windows 10 (but it may not be helping).

I removed oblivion from steam, manually deleted the oblivion dir in steamapps/common and in Documents/My Games, emptied the recycle bin and rebooted then began a fresh install of Oblivion and OBSE.

So far with only obse and the test plugin, OBSE remains working. I'm going to have to do a test after every mod to figure out what's going on I suspect. My guess is that something in one of the OBSE plugins may be breaking it. I'll post an update if I can figure out which one it is.

I've done a number of Oblivion and Skyrim runs with lots of mods over the years, it's funny that a few years ago I had an FCOM oblivion build that had probably 200 and some mods and it played great from the get go. This time I decided to do mostly Vanilla with just graphics and gameplay improvements mostly, but it's been a huge disaster.

But on the upside, I still remember how to use Wrye Bash. Wouldn't want to have forgotten everything and relearn it from the basics :S

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Well I pruned a few mods, and ran loot after each new mod, and ran oblivion after every few mods of the same type were installed and it seems to be running now. Can't replicate the error anymore. So if someone else runs into the same issue, just delete everything you can manually and hopefully that will help.

Now I've only got one issue left; When I rebuilt my bashed patch, something altered my FOV settings ( I think) and now the mouse doesn't line up with the sliders on the screen when making a new character. Some of the sliders are cut off too.

Hoping I can figure out what's causing it. Maybe an Ini issue.

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Only replying to hopefully help someone if they run into the same issue.

If your sliders are being cut off or your mouse isn't accurate to it's location on screen, it's your FOV. In my case something in my bashed patch automatically changed my Oblivion.ini in my documents FOV to 90. Just went back to it and returned it to the default of 75 and its fine now.

Probably going to try the FOV mod since I'm on a 21:9 monitor so a wider fov is nice.

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  • 8 months later...

I have the same issue, it seems Windows 10 doesnt recognize OBSE or something, I changed the compatibility of .exe files of Oblivion and OBSE is no more recognizable... _/

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Actually, I currently have the Steam version of Oblivion, with OBSE, on Windows 10. So it is possible to get it working, but there are so many variables involved. Or maybe it is something simple. One can never know. :tongue: If you have the game somewhere in your program files directories, could that cause issues? Did you remember to unblock the downloaded archive before installing? Have you tried without any compatibility options at all? Do you have proper Visual C++ Redistributables installed (whichever those might be, the 2005, 2008, 2012, etc.)? How did you install OBSE? Do you have aggressive antivirus software?


If you have it installed properly, and it is loaded (without anything blocking it), there should at least be something printed to obse.log or obse_loader.log - in which case it might be worth checking if they report anything odd.


But since it is Windows, it could be anything. I remember Striker mentioning Windows changing file extensions somehow, too. No idea how that happens, though, never run into it myself. F4SE had a warning not to use anything from the Windows App Store or something to extract, so maybe that applies to OBSE, as well. In any case, I would not touch the App Store even with a kilometre long stick. :tongue:

Edited by Contrathetix
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The file extension being changed started around the time that Win 8.1 was released but seemed to affect Win 7 users as well, so my theory was that it was something Microsoft delivered via Windows Update to Win 7 and up users (and not many have automatic updates turned off, so MS can push whatever they want onto you machine). It was most often seen affecting OMODs (turning the file extension to ZIP).

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  • 1 year later...

I just fixed this issue on my machine, try running steam as admin, that fixed the overlay in Oblivion and consequently, OBSE. I had a hard time getting any version of OBSE to work on my PC running the Oblivion Steam version on Windows 10 64x after installing.

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