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Missing Models (Mod related)


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I installed a bunch of mods and now there are missing models. I don't think any of the vanilla models are having problems, just the altered or added ones and not even all of them. I'm pretty sure I installed all of these correctly (always the chance that I didn't though). Does anyone see anything here that would create a conflict (I'm thinking with FOOK2) that would cause models to vanish? Otherwise I'll probably reinstall the game and try again.


I'm using FOMM. I have FOSE v1.2 beta and DUI installed. I don't know if this is relevant but I have the GOTY version.


Here is my load order (these are the ones that are active. There are others that I have left inactive):



Fallout 3

The Pitt



Point Lookout

Broken Steel


FOOK2 Main

FOOK2 DLC Improvement


Mart's Mutant Mod

Enhanced Weather

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch

Project Beauty




FOOK2 Main

FOOK2 DLC Improvements

FOOK2 - Project Beauty

FOOK - DIK - Project Beauty

Fellout Full

Fellout Zeta

Fellout Anchorage

Fellout Point Lookout

Fellout Broken Steel

Fellout Pipboylight

Mart's Mutant Mod

MMM - DLC the Pitt

MMM - DLC Zeta

MMM - DLC Anchorage

MMM - DLC Point Lookout

MMM - DLC Broken Steel

MMM - Project Beauty



MMM - Tougher Traders

MMM - Zones Respawn

MMM - Master Menu Mod


EVE Operation Anchorage

Gauss Complete Beta

Wrench of Repair

Colt M4 Carbine


Vltor SBR

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout

Enhanced Weather - REBOOT

Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin

Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus

Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Zeta

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Anchorage

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel

RH_Ironsights Vanilla New Weapons

Colt M4 Ironsights

Project Beauty - Broken Steel

Project Beauty - Point Lookout

BA Repair GOTY

Mini Hideout

Underground Hideout


All five GNR (more where that came from) track packs

RH_Ironsights Basic Vanilla Plugin

RH_Ironsights Basic Pitt Plugin

RH_Ironsights Basic Zeta Plugin

RH_Ironsights Basic Anchorage Plugin

RH_Ironsights Basic Point Lookout Plugin

RH_Ironsights Basic Broken Steel Plugin

RH_Ironsights - Pitt - New Rifle Sights

RH_Ironsights - PL - New Items

RH_Ironsights - Remove Reticule

End of List


Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.

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We need to see your actual load order. You can use FOMM to export it to a text file and then copy and paste the contents of that file here. But based on what you have there, I can point out a coupla things:


1. Your load order as posted is jacked up. For example, Fellout should be near the bottom, not the top; the unofficial patch should be near the top, not the bottom; DarnUI should be the first esp loaded after the esms; only ONE of the GNR esps should be active, the one that matches the number of tracks you installed; according to updates from RogueHallow, the Broken Steel plugin for Iron Sights was bugged until he released a fix the day before yesterday - if you downloaded it before then, go back and get the newer version; weather mods should never load in before overhaul mods, they should be near the bottom of the load order...etc. Basically you need to download and install BOSS, then use it to do your load sorting prior to....


2. ...Making a merged patch. You really cannot run multiple overhaul mods, or numerous non-overhauls, without a merged patch. The best kind is a bashed patch made with Wrye Flash, but if that is more trouble than you signed up for, get FO3edit and make a generic merged patch with that.


Now, those are the things I could spot based on the info you have given so far, and they do need fixing. But it is unlikely that either of those is responsible for a missing "model", by which I think you mean a missing mesh. We need more info, most importantly the exported load order from FOMM and hopefully a screenshot of an example of the problem you are seeing in-game. BTW, just lemme know if you need more info on BOSS or making a merged patch, and I'll be happy to give more detailed info/instructions.


Edit: if you cannot get a screenie, at least describe the exact problem in more detail, i.e. what exactly is "missing", what you see instead of the missing bits, when/how often you see it, whether it affects gameplay and/or stability or is just jarring and annoying. All of these things might clue us in to where the problem originated and how to fix it.


Edit #2: and make sure you turned on "Archive Invalidation" under FOMM's Tools menu. DO THAT FIRST AND TEST IT!

Edited by proconsu1
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Your advice on my load order was good (I hand-copied the load order into my post), especially the BOSS suggestion.


I got FO3Edit and I found Miax's guide for it so I'm set on the instruction front. And I was already running ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated so that's not a problem.


Thanks a lot for the suggestions. You have saved me a heck of a lot of time and headaches. I didn't even know about BOSS and FO3Edit. I'm not finished yet so I can't say if that is my problem but looking at FO3Edit I'd say that the conflicts are probably the main issue.

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