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Underwater fog command?


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Hmmkay so I installed a bunch of new mods today and now underwater fog completely stopped activating. Is there a console command to re-activate it ingame? It would be nice to avoid going thru all my mods.


[EDIT] Well I found the culprit after all, it was Combat FPS Optimizer. To fix this I would have to start using Wrye Bash and make a Bashed patch, however I do not like using this application (I just don't like it lol) but my question still stands because I'd like to keep using this mod if possible.

Edited by Rovelius
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Load the FPS Optimizer mod in the CS (make it "active") and look at the Object Window under Miscellaneous/WaterType. If you see asterisks in the Count column for "DefaultUnderwater" (there may be a second entry named "SEDefaultUnderwater") it means the mod has changed these from default values. Right-click DefaultUnderwater and pick Edit (you may get an error message, click Yes to get past it) and check the two Fog Distance settings. Their default values are supposed to be -15000.0 (negative fifteen thousand) and 2000.0 (positive two thousand). If you see other numbers for these two, make a note of their current values and change them to the ones given, and save your changes. Edited by TheMastersSon
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