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Private Material for Oblivion


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Well after some sleep I'm still having trouble grasping this. Maybe part of the character sharing thing is I have an extreme distaste for "roleplayers" and this is apparently what people are doing when they make these really great characters. I just want them because I really suck at making good looking faces lol. I still feel that flaunting private mods in screenshots is not right, so I guess I'll stay out of that section of texnexus since no one is making me go there. That or I'll make some personal things and upload them, then tell people I can't give it to them. Like that old rule of "can't beat them, join them" so to speak. Was refreshing to get different points of view on this debate, though would have liked a bit more that saw eye to eye with me... felt a little overwhelmed. :wallbash:


And apparently this has caused some controversy, as 3 staff members have posted in it. This is good though, I thought this topic and the things I would say would get me in trouble... good to see I was staying within the rules. I love this site and the people who do make it worth my while to come here for the past 4 years. :thumbsup:

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The only other thing I'm going to say is this "is" a role playing game so you have to expect people to actually role play. I don't go to the extent some do in that either, so in some ways I do understand your point of view about role playing.


My favourite game world is the Gothic series and you don't even get a choice of gender there. I could care less. I'm female, yet I don't care about not being able to play as one in that style of game. It's all about the hero who happens to be male and his story. There is of course a fairly large degree of role playing which is what rpg's are meant to be.


As for Oblivion, I don't create super model characters because it's not my style, not because I can't. They are by no means ugly either, but they fit into the medieval world as I see it, as normal people/characters and all have their own style, set of mods and history.


I don't think of them as family or role play like The Sims, but I do care about them because their faces in particular are my creations. It's the face that's most important to me because it holds the "real" character. Bodies matter less if at all since a replacer makes them all the same and there's no individuality, unless you can be bothered with extended mods to change that and I can't.


I still feel that flaunting private mods in screenshots is not right, so I guess I'll stay out of that section of texnexus since no one is making me go there. That or I'll make some personal things and upload them, then tell people I can't give it to them. Like that old rule of "can't beat them, join them" so to speak.


I wouldn't go down that road, even if its a spur of the moment thought. You'd only be creating and adding to the same atmosphere you think is wrong and make you feel worse.

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Ok yeah I can see what you mean about going down the wrong road. I'm already working on a new race which I was planning to just be private. I think I'll release to the public though. And as roleplaying in a roleplay game... I don't understand when people get all worked up over it. It's a role to be played by the character, and getting so emotionally invested in it when it's just a video game character just seems wrong to me. There is fantasy land and real life, they are supposed to be separate and there is a time appropriate for both.
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If you're trying to disparage people who actually do care about their characters, well, that's not going to endear people to your cause, which is already hard to accept. Getting immersed in a fantasy for a few hours every now and then is how some people like to relax and get away from the pressure for a while. It does not make us unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.


Also, your character and their backstory is also art of a kind. If you don't feel comfortable putting it out there for others to use in ways you might find distasteful, or you only share with people you trust not to do such things, you are not automatically a horrible person. If you do share anything and say that you should be asked permission, again, that still doesn't make you a horrible person--and it's a bit silly to say it does.

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The way the world is these days people need all the escapism they can get to relieve the stresses of everyday life. Whether it's games, books, sport, yoga, or whatever else, as long as it relieves some of the pressure, and hurts no-one else, it's perfectly natural. Better that than being so wound up and afraid that you have a heart attack or a stroke from worry and anxiety.


Anyone who says they don't need diversion from modern day life is lying, mainly to themselves. It only becomes a problem when the edges of fantasy and reality blur and some people can't fully distinguish the difference. That is pretty rare and is usually associated with other already established mental illness.


Creating a character and their history is in fact a form of art as BlackBaron2 says. The exact same thing an author does when he or she writes a book, except you have to have some imagination and be able to visualize the author's world without the pictures. Also the same thing a sculptor or painter does, but their art is visual. Games are just created using a different medium and some people find it hard to associate computer games and art in the same category.


If you search Google you'll find that games as a form of art has been debated for a long time. Probably since the first pixel was made to appear on a screen.


As they say, "Art is in the eye of the beholder."

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Well my stance on this isn't going to change. I'm not posting to endear people to my cause like for fame or something, I posted because I was enraged with what I saw in some photos. Basically I did it to vent and wondered if people felt the same. Nothing anyone says is going to rationalize this line of thinking. To each his own I suppose. I'm retiring from this thread now, good day to you all.
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Copyright and Eula's are two different things , copyright is not set in stone in all cases and has seen its share of rework , Eula's on the other hand are so far in a gray area that on another thread in another forum a few lawyers posted that legalistically speaking they are more pseudo - law , which is why you see such variation in their application on a country to country basis. The biggest problem is that Eula's in a number of cases circumvent the most basic of consumer protection laws ,the most basic being I hand over my money its now mine .The only reason they (Eula's) exist in the form they do is lawmakers (besides being lobbied and "cough"" cough" bribed) are an estimated 10 - 20 years behind in addressing their legal nature legislatively and no consumer is willing to spend the millions of dollars it would take to challenge them in court. So as consumers .we can all understand the need for creators to protect themselves , but we also need to be aware where that line of protection is ,so that it doesn't cross over into harming us .In other words don't take Eula's as the be all of what your rights are.


That said , the opening post speaks to another question I think that may actually relate to what the Nexus is.If this is a public forum for mods , then having private mods advertised may be problematic and not for the OP's "I have you dont" angle. As a forum this site does not have the means to be fully cognizant of what intent the makers of private mods have , as in I do it for the love of the game or I'm honing my mod/game designing capabilities and am doing this for future monetary compensation , in which case this site is literally paying for someone's advertising of their work portfolio.So when it comes to the public/private aspect of this site , they might want to think about that unless they don't mind paying for someone's free advertising.

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I seriously doubt that the people here who posted screens of their private mods did it just to say "HAHA! I made this and you can't have it!" They're more likely doing it to give others an enjoyable viewing experience, like a painting or drawing, etc. They're not doing it to be mean. If I'm wrong, then show me who has.


And btw, people's ideas ARE their own and they can do with it as they please... provided it's not used to actively hurt other people, of course. :P

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People who post things with the intent of lording it over people are trolling.


I do not think anyone actually does that though, at least not here. I've posted at least one image showing a mod that can't be obtained here (although something similar can) and I certainly wasn't intending to lord it over anyone. (That'd be the mod that gives Blaze her pyrokinesis, a heavily-modified version of a pyrokinesis mod I found here)


Reading over some of the replies in this thread, I have to agree, I don't think I'd want to see my Blaze starring in some other person's porn (even aged up).


The permissions thing too is an issue. Some people tweak or even heavily modify the mods they get, and wouldn't be allowed to distribute their version of it here unless they tracked down the author(s) and asked, which may or may not be possible. (which is why I think the default should be credit where credit is due and call it good)

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