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Private Material for Oblivion


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Should people who make private material have free reign to flaunt it via the screenshots section of tesnexus?


I appreciate all of the modders despite if I use their mods or not as they spent time to share their imagination and talent with myself and others.


I have noticed on the mod detectives people asking for certain mods and people saying in some cases that they are private and/or they can't share.


It sucks, it would be nice if they shared, maybe that's the lording or trolling thing, but you have to respect the authors of the work, they spent the time to make the mods.


Is it right or wrong, I guess it's up to the mods of the nexus to decide.

My opinion is if the people take the time to make the mods and share an image of it, they shouldn't be faulted for not sharing the mod itself, it is their work after all.


It sucks that they don't share it, but ultimately, it's their work or work of their friends and told not to share(from what I gather in most cases).

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I will say first of all this topic needs to die. It seems all these type topics are getting started as a result of folks who are not able to obtain things. I am going to sound a bit put out in this and I am....I am tired of hearing it and this is the MAJOR reason I don't post pics here anymore.


To the question at hand. No modder is under any obligation to share a mod they have or have created. Indeed there are times that the CAN NOT SHARE even if they want to do so. The mod they have may have been created with custom content that they don't have permission to share, with ripped content or self-made mod with content that have those things in them.


If a picture posted has ripped (illegal) content then it can be taken down by an admin.


I look at screen shots not as a way to scout new crap...bt as they are intended...a artistic endeavor on the part of the uploader. I enjoy it for WHAT IT IS.


Some things people work on really hard and like most art...they have a personal connection with thier mod creations or their screen shot creations Though you can not always prevent stealing things...no one is obligated to just hand it out to whoever...especially when folks aren't very polite in their request to begin.


I may want a lot of the stuff I see...but guess what. I am a grown up and I know that you can't always get what you want in life. Is it fair..no. Suck it up folks. If you ask polite and are told no...move on to something else. If at the end of the day the fact that you can't get your grubby little mitts on that ripped Aion sword the worst thing with which you have to deal...then I will trade you any day.

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