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Your "original crew"


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Slygothmog- Father to me, a great man, and a best friend

SilverDNA- Uncle to me, a great advisor, and a very wise man

Lexx666- Brother to me and a very moving young man

Vesmir- Another brother to me, and like my other half

Alias- A good friend, a fantastic writer, and a good advisor and inspiration in this area

Illiad- A sister to me in more ways than one, a great writer, and a just a good person to have around

Brokenergy- Another sister to me (I consider her the biggest and oldest) and a very kind hearted person

Aurielius- Grandfather to me, a great guy to debate with, and an awesome friend who I hope can forgive me for forgetting to mention him...heh...heh... :ermm:

And finally, but not the least of the list, TheSwedishPancake- My best friend here on Nexus who is amazing, incredibly understanding, very kind, smart, strong willed, successful, an artist in many forms, who has a very bright future, positive outlook on the world, and everything that a friend could want, need, and or ask for.


There are many more people I could list, definetly, but these people have left the most of an everlasting mark on my life.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Don't know about crews, but the people I most enjoy(ed) as friends are Aurielius, Silver DNA, Slygothmog, LisnPuppy, Ginnyfizz, Netwit2008, Burnagirl and, yes Surenas. I also enjoy(ed) very much the following, although I do/did not know them nearly as well: Balagor, DarkeWolf, Vesemir the Witcher, Stardusk, Dark Ninja13, AlienSlof, Species 5476, VictoriaG, Myrmaad, Harbringe; Maharg67, Bben46, LHammonds, Vagrant0, Jim_UK, HellsMaster.


This may not follow the true intent of the thread, but these are most of the people I tend to track when reading the posts on the various threads; or in a couple of cases, it is their writing, artwork or mods I may find intriguing.


In any event, they all keep me interested, and they keep my mind working in some fashion or another. Every one of them has something to offer. There are many others that I have left out, but for now this is all I can remember, and they keep me coming back for more.



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Man. I remember when Switch was a moderator... those were the olden days. :happy:


Also, I can't seem to recall what Malachi Delacot's original name was... perhaps it will come to me in the middle of the night...


Same herehttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/happy.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Hmmm....when I first came Dezdimona, Bben and LHammonds helped me a lot. Vagrant too.


I've come to be friends with Shadowmadnezz, Iliad, Broken Energy, Keanu, CommanderCrazy, Calliton, Ancient Aeon, MHM, Thor, Silver, Naktis, Grumpf, MDC519, Alex2avs, Chocobo, Rebel, Push, Corlan, Slygothmog, Malachi 'n Carah, Aspiria, Emma, Grannywils...there are really so many I hate to leave anyone out. You can blame it on no sleep and my head, but never my heart :)


I bugged many modders, lol especially Umpa and SultericDrums. Probably still do. Everyone I've met is kewl in my book and I enjoy their company, work, comments etc. Anyone that puts up with my abuse of colored text and overuse of emoticons is a friend to me :thumbsup:

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*SNIP*. Yeah... I can see why he had it changed.


EDIT by LHammonds: Then you can understand why it would be against the rules to post it too eh?


Ah, yes... You gotta love the "Forum Rules and Strikes" section. So much logged information in that section... :happy:


Oh yeah, and google...

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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