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SKSE Verson 1.7.3 BETA or SkyUI 5 Causing Random Crashing & Freezing


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I decided to update SkyUI to version 5 which meant that I had to upgrade SKSE to the latest beta build. I'm suspecting that it's the new SKSE build that's causing the crashes & freezes as my game has never frozen before. Just want to know whether it's the new version of SkyUI or SKSE that is causing the crashes & freezes and if anyone else has had any problems.


I have used BOSS to sort my load order so that shouldn't be the issue.


EDIT: I have just gone back to the previous SkyUI version but the game still freezes as soon as it loads. Must be SKSE.

Edited by Zylice
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i run Skse 1.7.3b since about 2 weeks now, i've upgraded because of SkyUi 5 which get errors on load with 1.7.2 and it works perfectly. i'm using plugins as well , SafetyLoad(no more)/MemoryBlocks.log/CellBuffer and Skse.ini


if you use MO or NMM pack the script as per Gopher's vid and reinstall Skse 1.7.3b properly (del old one first) + any of the plugins you use as well, you should be good


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Been using SKSE 1.7.3 since it's release, No problems what so ever.
When SkyUI 5 got released not long after I updated to it, not one problem what so ever.

So I'd be inclined to believe it's more related to something on your end, be it mods, an old save with baked scripts, etc.

SKSE 1.7.3 is superior compared to earlier versions for me anyway.
Fixes array issue that 1.7.2 beta had with Form/Alias arrays.
Adds SpawnTask and GameData functions (which I've used both and they are awesome even though only in their infancy).

Most problems I see with SKSE is users using 3rd party mod managers and installing in a a different working directory other then the games native directory.
(Mainly so they can keep their game directory clean from 3rd party files).
Which is great up until the end user has no clue as too why things fail and where their related files really are.

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i run Skse 1.7.3b since about 2 weeks now, i've upgraded because of SkyUi 5 which get errors on load with 1.7.2 and it works perfectly. i'm using plugins as well , SafetyLoad(no more)/MemoryBlocks.log/CellBuffer and Skse.ini


if you use MO or NMM pack the script as per Gopher's vid and reinstall Skse 1.7.3b properly (del old one first) + any of the plugins you use as well, you should be good


I installed the scripts via NMM as Gopher advised and I replaced the old SKSE files with the new ones as I didn't install the scripts of the old version via NMM so I don't know if the new scripts overwrote the old ones or not. It should be installed properly though.

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Been using SKSE 1.7.3 since it's release, No problems what so ever.

When SkyUI 5 got released not long after I updated to it, not one problem what so ever.


So I'd be inclined to believe it's more related to something on your end, be it mods, an old save with baked scripts, etc.


SKSE 1.7.3 is superior compared to earlier versions for me anyway.

Fixes array issue that 1.7.2 beta had with Form/Alias arrays.

Adds SpawnTask and GameData functions (which I've used both and they are awesome even though only in their infancy).


Most problems I see with SKSE is users using 3rd party mod managers and installing in a a different working directory other then the games native directory.

(Mainly so they can keep their game directory clean from 3rd party files).

Which is great up until the end user has no clue as too why things fail and where their related files really are.

I used the Save Script Cleaner and removed some orphan scripts but that hasn't helped. I'll try using the current (stable) SKSE build and see how I go.


EDIT: I installed version 1.7.2 of SKSE and I'm still getting crashes....Perhaps I'm not installing SKSE correctly?

Edited by Zylice
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humm, after my post, i've installed, Skse 1.7.3b + skyui 5 on an other setup (My GF) and sh..t, crash on save and quick save, everything works fine except the saves, had to revert to a back up, install again and setup again the .ini for the mem patch, so far so good, no more crash on save or else.

as per mod pages, many people get problems on update from skyui 4+ to 5, from save to craft menu etc..

hope it works for you


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SKSE 1.7.2 is beta as well, so I don't know where your determining "stable" from.


1.7.2 is less stable the 1.7.3 as 1.7.2 has some trivial bugs that were fixed in 1.7.3


Script cleaning a save does not always fix things (no matter what it tells you it's fixed or cleaned), sometimes the best is to start fresh game.


Script cleaning should be a last resort and not depended on ever imho.


I've seen more more saves broken then fixed with script cleaners.

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I used the installer to install SKSE version 1.7.3_b so it should definitely be installed correctly. Just wondering though, is it okay to have 'SKSE Plugins' from previous versions of SKSE? Do I need to re-install those mods?

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Okay. So I tried my other characters' save with the new SKSE. No crashes. Seems to be working fine. I'll try going back to an older save of my other character.

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