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FPS way too fast o_O


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I suppose I should have tried to look harder for a 'search' option, but I take this problem is so uncommon that no one's ever had it. Maybe I'm wrong though, which means its more likely I'll fix this.

The problem: I move, aim, shoot, far too quickly and so does everyone else.

I know its not just my imagination because: I played FO3 on the PS3 and it ran at believable speeds earlier on the PC.

The mods I've installed are: The Beautification Mod, the DLCs, the hairstyle mod associated with the previously mentioned mod, and only afterwards in attempt to slow the game down, a bunch of texture/model changes (no avail).

The only difference/change between the speed issue and normal speed was the Beautification mod, which removing, reinstalling and reinstalling FO3 have not fixed. I erased everything and started from scratch with the same issue,

so it isn't just my save or settings either. I tried iFPS = 60, 30, 0 in both inis. I can't set the graphics higher. I tried overiding limits with FOMM and despite lagging, the game still made everything too fast. Any ideas??

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Set your monitor's refresh rate as low as it can go without messing it up (but not lower than 60), and then turn on V-Sync. That should lock the game's video update speed to no more than your refresh rate. That's more or less what V-sync is for. Edited by proconsu1
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