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AWOP (full of "poo poo"?)


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ccronin :

Cheers, that's one of the best reviews I have had :biggrin: much appreciated.

I'll look into those areas you mentioned gaps in. I had not spotted any problems in those myself in either location but thats probably why they are being reported.


1: New textures coming soon in the form of a series of patches and eventually an expanded version of AWOP which will use a base load of new textures to add a load of entirely unique locations. I am keeping the main AWOP file vanilla for a few (mostly dull) reasons.

2: Quests, fair enough - I'll look into it. It is a bit limited at the moment.

3: That sounds a lot like most of the stuff already in The Underground. I don't think I'll be able to make anything bigger than that anytime soon but I have plans for some unusual new areas in future patches.


Thanks again for the feeback. Kudos.


And thanks for the quick response. Admittedly, I haven't explored the underground yet, so I need to go do that. But again, keep up the good work!

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It is true that making a "big" dungeon is not all *that* hard. Making a big, *interesting* dungeon requires either new models/textures so it looks different, or populating it with a lot of different NPCs, with interesting stories to tell or quests to give. I have not played much with Rust Town, for example, it appears to be big and mostly empty. I think most people download it because a big area sounds exciting, and they endorse it to encourage the author to add more.
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It is true that making a "big" dungeon is not all *that* hard. Making a big, *interesting* dungeon requires either new models/textures so it looks different, or populating it with a lot of different NPCs, with interesting stories to tell or quests to give. I have not played much with Rust Town, for example, it appears to be big and mostly empty. I think most people download it because a big area sounds exciting, and they endorse it to encourage the author to add more.


I actually thought Rust Town was pretty well done. There were a lot of very unique room designs-- each person's house has a distinctive character. The clutter was very well done. I thought the architecture was top-notch too. Of course, it is a bit lacking in 'things to do,' but it's interesting to explore, and there's a couple mini-quests. He has the base down, he just needs to add more quests.

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Djmystro, If you are looking for a big addition to AWOP, feel free to use all or any part of Vault 24. I am building it as a modders' resource, so it is basicly pining to be used that way. It's big too.


I have to agree with David too...for me doing anything with NPCs ends up taking 10x the amount of time that anything else in the GECK takes. Packages in particularly were a nightmare for me, probably because I never fully understood their functions, nor were they very explicitly stated anywhere. Small quirks in some of them had me scratching my head for days. I don't want to even get into how problematic adding lip-synched dialogue is. It was all painful enough that whatever mod I develop now, I aim to avoid the addition of NPCs at all costs.

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Cambragols vault is pretty amazing, I highly recommend it.


Also I just wanted to let you know that in the upcoming week I'm going to add all the Oblivion resources that a allowed to be used in Fallout. (I posted a question in the rules forum and It seems acceptable.)


So that will open up entirely new and interesting things you can add to your areas, Just today I found a gallows modders resource that even has an animated body swinging, I thought it be perfect in the western theme of New Vegas.


Also about the NPC problems, You have to remember that most people LOVE your mod, and are more than willing to help you improve it. So If you ever really want to add in a few NPCs or a quest, I have no doubt that a capable fellow modder would be willing to get assistance.

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love the low-loot mod s'far.


I enjoy the 'Mad Max' survival aspect of the game; so limiting the amount of ammunition ( primarily ) is paramount to me needing to use BANreloaded. ( A nicely thorough yet concise reloading mod posted by b-love )


It keeps me switching between favorite weapons, leaving some at home now and again and so-forth.


Keep the stories and scraps of history coming! maybe add a few here or there ? ( a sad note next to the ghoul female surrounded by drugs and an empty assault rifle in the sewer-tunnel perhaps? or a continuation to the lads tale from the bunker below the skydiving school ~ did his sister manage to flee to Goodsprings, perhaps was visiting Sunny for medical supplies or some such? )


Things like that will continue to add flavor to your additional encounters, and they go an incredibly LONG way when you are trying to justify WHY you're even crawling through 'Some sprawling dungeon area beneath the wasteland' as you said in your op.. Every bit of story goes a long way in my book at least.


Thanks again for the work!


Jack Burton

Edited by Antioche
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cambragol :

Cheers, I have been checking in on Vault 24 from time to time and though I have not played it yet just from the screenshots I can tell it is gonna be very cool.

Thank you very much for volunteering it as a resourse. I'm looking forward to filling the place with freaky enemies. I was kind of thinking of turing it into the player's own version of hell where they have to kill all the enemies from the game again (would saves days not having to come up with loads of new custom characters). Also what with a lot of the other available resourses the are room for some really scary ememies such as the Horror Mutants.

Lots of options there. On the downside stepping out of the Mohave and into hell (or even a simulation of it) would require stripping the player of thier weapons and I am not 100% keen on that idea so I am still open to suggestions.


NPCs can take ages and I have still not got to grips with AI packages (I am yet to set up a nice random or specific string of these, just one at a time). I am still putting those off until I have finished everything else.



Thanks for the support and I am looking forward to seeing the new resourses.

As for obtaining help I am not against the idea but I'll release a final version of AWOP I am happy with and then make the suggestion that people patch it, just like with the vanilla game. I will not be actively requesting help on the main flie outside of fixing the occasional small confusing bug but any contributions are still welcome.

I think I just want to get most of it done on my own so I can learn how to do everything. It's got me this far.


Antioche :

Glad you are liking the Low Loot. I made so many changes in that I thought about using it myself but I don't think that's the direction I want to take my game in yet.

I will try and add a few more stories for the next update but I cannot say for sure. Either way I'm glad you are enjoying what is there already.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. In relation to a few older messages I thought Rust Town looked very cool but there was not a lot to do. Still, compared with most console games like Halo the vanilla location options in Fallout are amazing and offer a huge range of unusual battered building sets. There's still a few I have not used (although mainly beacuse they are missing vital pieces).

Despite this after looking through modders resourses over the last week or so I have seen so many cool and creative ideas that I'll have to sit on the fence on this one coz it's good all round.

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I enjoyed playing through AWOP. To me, it almost felt like Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, just without the giant robot. There was no negative aspect to the feel or the placement of the loot and locations. If people say its full of "poo poo", then let them miss out on it. If there could be any improvements, it would probably have to be big enough to be its own seperate mod. I'm not talking about fixes to AWOP, I mean a sequel to AWOP. I have little mod creation skill, so if you say the idea is to much, then by all means say it's to much.


I think a new faction could be fighting for Vegas. Maybe a new military group (like the Commonwealth) or other faction (Chinese Communists, Raiders United Front, The Vault Anarchists). New enemies, weapons, locations, etc. Then have one of the big four (NCR, Ceaser, House, Yes Man) order you to get rid of them.


AWOP is of DLC caliber and a great addition for the Mojave Wasteland, and for that I salute you.

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I personally loved your mod. The big thing I missed form fallout 3 was the extensive underground I could get lost in.

I've had your mod since you released it and have explored most of it.

The only suggestions would be to optimize things a little more (roombounds/portals etc.).

A bit more detail in the lighting would add to the mood as well.


additionally some more variety would add a lot. I made my resource pack specifically for mods like this. If you only use the sets that use fallout textures (most of them) you can keep the file size down.


Anyway I look forward to more AWOP! :thumbsup:

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TiNy39 :

Thanks for your support and feedback.

I have several new ideas for potential armies to storm the Mohave in future patches.

One patch will add a load of clones (will save time on individual faces). Another a load of zombies and the Boss patch will probably add the most dangerous threats.

Making the vanilla factions get involved is a different matter as it may require editing dialouge and adding new packages to a lot of existing quest NPCs which is something I like to avoid for a lot of reasons.

However in a patch (rather than the main file) I will be much happer to experiment in this way so I cannot rule it out. I guess it's just a matter of time.


SpeedyB64 :

Cheers, I'm glad you have been enjoying AWOP since the start.

Your suggestion about room bounds/portals is one I have been giving some thought to recently. I have never attemped it before and I'm not exactly sure where to start with those though. Once the main file is complete I will go over it again and change a lot of settings I have never altered before. This will cover:

Room bounds/portals

Area fogging (a lot of places fog up too quick compared to the wasteland)

Sound FX/Ambience settings

AI Packages

Pretty dull stuff for the most part but once they are functioning correctly I'm sure it will add a lot more depth and playability to the game.

Thanks to baduk I already have a link to your resourse pack and have checked it out a few times already. I am looking forward to the opportunity to add all this new stuff. The expanded version and patches will have loads of new custom content. I'm gonna add as much as I can.

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