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Shooting problems


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I need help.....for some reason every time i enter VATS and got o shoot my target my character spazzes...like the character fires into the air and in random directions and never hits the targe....also the npcs fireing at me are doing the same thing like they are glitching....i thought it might have been one of my many mods and i deactivated them all the only thing i ad checked in FOMM was the 5 DLCs thats it and it still did...i have never had this problem....please help
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What else has changed? Cuz I guarantee something did. If you can think of nothing at all that changed, then try this. Start a new game and play all the way out of the vault to some outdoor combat with bloatflies, molerats or raiders. Does the problem recur? If not, then it may be your save game that changed, by getting some corruption in it.
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