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Putting GPS Chips in Children & Teens


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I was on another forum, the official Star Wars: The Old Republic forum of all places, where someone made a thread make a ridiculous claim that at birth all people should be forced to have a GPS tracking chip inserted into their brain. His argument was that it would help stop abductions and kidnappings. He also said it would help stop teen sex, drug & alcohol abuse, breaking curfew, and other acts of civil disobedience. The entire community, save for Geshalt (another user) and the OP, then told him how horrible of an idea it was. People cited references to totalitarian government, human rights violations, how such a thing could be abused by the government/abusive parents/pedophiles who figure out how to track kids and teenagers.


People also said how it's like treating human beings like cattle. Some users said that it should be allowed up until they turn 13 and then it should be removed, and other users said that if you need a GPS locator to keep your children safe, then you shouldn't have kids. Personally I'm against such a thing, it's a very slippery slope after all, and I while I'm not a minor, I probably would have killed myself as a teenager if my parents and/or the government could figure out my exact location at any given time. I sarcastically told the OP that he might as well have thought police while he was at it. So, what do you think of this?

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Anyone who would sacrifice freedom for security will get neither, and deserve neither.

Good old Winston Churchill always had his way with words, and like all truisms..very true.

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That's just a crazy idea. As those users rightly said, people aren't cattle, and parents do not own their children.
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He also said it would help stop teen sex, drug & alcohol abuse


Exactly how would a simple GPS chip prevent this, unless it somehow emits chemicals that alter the dopamine receptors in the brain? :rolleyes:

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It wouldn't help if the children are abducted by Vogons or ETs of any kind, but what I find really scaring is the abductor messing their brain trying to remove the chip.
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First off, let me say I find the idea Evil and Abhorrent. That said, I think a great many of our stupid jumped-up monkey fellow humans would do exactly just such a thing if given the chance.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif


That's just a crazy idea. As those users rightly said, people aren't cattle, and parents do not own their children.

Many people think otherwise, from government to religious types to incapable and fear-filled parents.


He also said it would help stop teen sex, drug & alcohol abuse


Exactly how would a simple GPS chip prevent this, unless it somehow emits chemicals that alter the dopamine receptors in the brain? :rolleyes:

If you control knowing where your kid is, you can control where he goes/stays, therefore keeping the little monster out of parties, etc., basically locked up at home. That is IF the device isn't tuned into the right frequencies already to directly manipulate thought patterns sympathetically...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ninja.gif


It wouldn't help if the children are abducted by Vogons or ETs of any kind, but what I find really scaring is the abductor messing their brain trying to remove the chip.

That is exactly what would happen. You would immediately have kidnappers trying to get those chips out of the kids' bodies, and kidnappings would invariably turn into murders or mutilations depending on where the chip is hidden.


The plan for implementation has already begun. By introducing the idea into people's minds by tracking their pets, you set the stage for low levels of public acceptance for the idea. Let enough people get used to the idea as children when their pets were chipped, let them grow up and have children themselves, and...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/nuke.gif




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Wouldn't it be great if the debate forum was actually used to debate facts? Apparently that is way too much to ask and why I will never take a debate here seriously, this thread is a prime example of why. Don't want to spoil your party, but the chip would not be put into their brains. If you're going to attempt to debate something, couldn't you at least debate the reality and not some far-fetched rumor?


My dogs actually have these same gps chip devices inserted just beneath their skin in the fatty tissue on the back of their necks. The day your child is abducted you might think about it a bit differently. Certainly that's my own worst fear, but does it justify chipping a human being.. I just don't know.


In a human this tiny grain-of-rice sized microchip is inserted by an authorized medical practitioner or surgeon in the fatty tissue below your right tricep.



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