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Most Memorable Character


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Well, Sheogorath and Ma'iq pretty much top the list.


Not counting them, though:


Countess Narina Carvain: Long story. Let's just say my first character made some... assumptions regarding some of the Bruma quests leading the countess to unwittingly end up her arch-nemesis.

Raynil Dralas: Related to the above long story. Also, I liked the fight against him - it was one of the few battles in the game I thought felt had a dramatic build-up and an interesting location.

Farwil Indarys: "HUZZAH!" ...Yeah, I actually liked the guy. At least he was brave, and absolutely not a quitter.

Bolwing: He speaks entirely in jibberish, for crying out loud.

Arvena Thelas: She keeps tame rats as pets. My main reaction to that was: "Awesome! I want one of those!"

Beewos: "I used to be a dog. I got better. Not a better dog, though. I'm a terrible dog now."

Mazoga: I have a soft-spot for self-appointed knights.

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Captain Picard - whoops I mean Emperor Uriel Septim. He's a cool old man.


Valen Dreth cause he's just so nasty yet repulsively lovable.


Vicente Valtieri. OMG PLEEAAASE BITE MEEE!!!!! (love that guy so much)


aaand.... most of all........


:wub: LUCIEN LACHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!:wub:




*droools* *melts* *passes out*


I love Lucien to the ends of the universe and back. He's just so amazingly incredibly awesome and haaaaaaaaawt. His hawtness just drives me insane. :woot:

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If it's anyway, then--Companion Vilja. Fantastic mod, with lots of character.


...but if you mean vanilla Oblivion, then I suspect M'aiq would be a good choice, seeing as I understand his meta comments. ;) Or maybe that one inn owner who waxes neurotically insistent over dirt. Can't remember her name.

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The two blacksmiths from SI. The orc's "Why did you go to that other blacksmith? Is it because she's the prettier blacksmith?" cracks me up every time. Aaaannnd Cutter loves to give and take pain, apparently, given her comments like "I test the weapons...myself" and the fact that her shop has blood all over the floor.
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Before SI came out it was Reynald Jemane with:

"Your going to tell that imposter that I am quite capable of besmirching my good name myself. He must cease and desist immediately." :L


Then it was Sheogorath with some of his jokes/death threats (you could never tell if he was serious).

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