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Crysis 2 question


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So, Crysis 2 this tuesday! :D


So far I am nearly ready for it. Nano Edition preorder: Fully paid. Bags of chips: check. Water reservoir: Check. Shift computer into toilet: Still working on that...


Anywho, theres been a little worry at the back of my mind. What speed of internet will be required for a good experience?

I recently hooked up my PC with an ethernet cable, and can play Dead Space 2 multi with not a bit of lag, but the maps are smaller. Much smaller.


So, if anyone's in the know on this (Dont say google. I have spent the last hour or so searching and can only find "Internet connection required for one time activation"), then please tell me.



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Your ping is okay. I noticed the server you connected to for your speedtest is a whoopin 400 miles away. Might have to do with that. And wait to see how the game performs online BEFORE upgrading.


The DL speed and UL speed is terrible too. Like i said, probably because you connected to a server who might not be of good quality.



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