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I've been console gaming since the Atari 2600. This year I discovered my latest PC build was only a video card, keyboard and mouse away from being game ready.


The keyboard and mouse have if all over a console controller in the sheer number of in game actions that can be generated. At this point I'm still trying to figure ways to play faster and easier.

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Welcome to the realm of the PC master race. You will learn that your console controller has been holding you back in a lot of games. Particularly in aiming. On a PC you don't get the autoaim because you don't need it. A mouse is actually quicker and more precise when aiming than the controller. Then for keys - you had a limited number of buttons on the controller. You start with 102 basic keys on a keyboard, then that can easily be multiplied by 3 or even more using key combinations and even defining macros ( multiple keystrokes assigned to a single key) using special programs like the FREE Autohotkey program. :thumbsup:

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