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Wyre bash problems


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I started out with a clean install of oblivion yesterday. And have been downloading only FCOM related mods. ( and OBSE and all the unofficial patches ). With all the official add ons. I have none of them besides the unofficial patches and the official add ons activated as of now.


I also used BOSS to set up the load order. And now I need to make a bashed patch. Except Wyre Bash ( which was working a few hours before I downloaded FCOM and OBSE ) now will not start up. It doesn't crash it just doesn't do anything when I try to launch it.


Any ideas?

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Update on this.


In my folder " C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy " Where the launcher is. " " Wyre Bash Launcher " still does nothing. But for some reason when I double click on " DebugLog(python2.6) " It will launch. But only if I allow a black screen to stay up. It exits when I close it. I think this is a problem still though.

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Update on this.


In my folder " C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy " Where the launcher is. " " Wyre Bash Launcher " still does nothing. But for some reason when I double click on " DebugLog(python2.6) " It will launch. But only if I allow a black screen to stay up. It exits when I close it. I think this is a problem still though.

try the beta installer on Tesnexus.Is Wrye Bash without the python requirements :)

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Hey do I need to uninstall my current Wrye Bash to do that? Because I can't find where or how to uninstall it in the readme. Also I do have Python so is there another way to fix it besides using the BETA? I don't want to be dealing with a lot of bugs.
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Finally got it working. Wrye Bash is launching fine now.


BUT ONE LAST PROBLEM! After I get this solved I can start playing and ill probably end up splooging all over the walls.


Wrye bash won't take the same load order as OBMM or BOSS. I set BOSS up and it fixes the load order on OBMM to the correct spots. But It won't change the load order of Wrye Bash. And I have unchecked Lock Times on Wrye as well.


If anyone can help with this last thing please let me know. Haven't played in a year.

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Do not use OBMM to order your mods. Do not have OBMM open when running BOSS. Do not use OBMM to tidy up things. Do not use OBMM for anything other than installing OMODs and possibly extracting/creating .bsa files. OBMM will mess thing up good if you leave it open, as it does not do it's housekeeping until the application is closed.


Use OBMM to do anything you need to do with it, and then CLOSE IT.


Next, use BOSS (get used to using the 'update masterlist' function. If you have any mods that are not recognized by BOSS, use your userlist.txt (if you don't have one, create it in the BOSS folder). Read the BOSS readme for more details.


Next, build your Bashed Patch according to this:



When you press 'Rebuild Patch', make sure that you check the following:


Merge Patches

Import ... [Go through each 'import' option and if there's a mod, not csv in the right window, check it, and the Import... option.]

Cobl Catalogs [ONLY if you use Cobl]

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests [ONLY if you have Shivering Isles installed]


The Globals and Tweaks are optional, but should not be checked unless you know what you are doing, and should be left alone while you are troubleshooting. Everything else should be left unchecked UNLESS you know that you need it.








Lastly, if you use mods that change viewable objects (rocks, trees, buildings etc), run TES4LODGen. It is important that you do things in this order.



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I haven't been using OBMM to manage my load order. I have used BOSS while both OBMM and Wrye Bash are closed. After I do that when I go into OBMM the mods are put in perfect order. But in Wrye Bash they don't order at all. And Bash Patch is the first esp in the list. And I have unchecked locked times.


I used Wrye Bash a lot when I used to mod. And I don't remember this happening to me. I know how to add in mods in boss .. etc. But so far all of mine are recognized and they are all FCOM related for the most part.


All I need to get this underway is to have wrye bash recognize the BOSS load order changes. I have even run BOSS out of Wrye Bash and it still does not change it's load order.

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