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Simple Armor Mod Request


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I have a very simple mod request for glass armor. First of all, ever think that maybe the glass pauldrons were a little too big, at least if you wanted something smaller?


Well one thing I've noticed is the design of the pauldrons underneath the large angular pieces that cover them. Specifically the part of the pauldrons that reach down towards the bicep. I think that the glass armor would look great with just that part of the pauldrons. The image up top is a great example of what I mean. One shoulder has the angular pauldron, while the other just shows the piece underneath. That angular piece is what I would like removed.


That being said, I am not asking for a replacement armor for glass, but a glass armor variant that does not include the top angular pieces of the pauldrons. It would be really nice if someone could make that.


If not, could anyone point me to a decent tutorial on how to remove that piece myself. Nifskope, I believe is the program. Thank you.

Edited by AldenTemple
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Any basic Nifscope basic tutorial should work.

Load the mesh, and click on the part you want to remove, a menu will pop up. Pick Block> remove block. Done.


On how to get the meshes, this links blow will explain it, Yes, it extracting textures, but file paths and the methods are the same.




Edited by Boombro
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