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Can't open DDS and 7z files.


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I think GIMP requires a plug-in to recognize .dds files. The free program Paint.NET available at MajorGeeks opens them natively (no plug-in required). I have to ask though, what is it you're trying to do with the .dds files?
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To be honest, I have no idea. I'm kind of desperate to get mods to work on my new computer. I put mods in the Data section of Oblivion and the weapons come out graphic design purple AND the icons for the weapons don't appear.
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That sounds like resources (textures etc.) are missing or in the wrong folders. When you extract the downloaded archive (most commonly used here is .7z) examine the structure and contents of the mod. If you copy and paste correctly those same files should be now also located in your Oblivion install directory, in the same directory structure as the download. Example, if I download and extract a non-replacer armor mod (one that leaves all the original armor the same) it will have a Data\meshes\MyNewArmor\... and a Data\Textures\MyNewArmor\... as well as folders and files for menus etc. I'll also find an .esp file for the mod. When I copy and paste into my Oblivion install all those same directories and files must be in the exact same relationship to the Data folder in my C:\Games\Oblivion. If I pasted into my C:\Games\Oblivion\Data folder I would get an extra Data folder showing (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion\Data\Data\meshes\MyNewArmor\...). The mod won't find the resources and the game displays the error with the purple texture or yellow exclamation. Always paste one level higher than you copied. If you copied Data you paste into Oblivion. If you copied meshes you paste into Data. Another dead give-away is if you're pasting into the wrong folder you won't get the OK to overwrite dialog.
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