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Basic Question About Objects


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I have the problem that objects (Ammo/Weapons/Food) placed in my cell are always shown "red" when i test my cell. I only can take them with karma loss.


So my question is where do you define wether an object is pickable with karma loss or without karma loss?


I tried a lot like References and Factions but i just don't get behind it. I am pretty sure it's really easy but after several hours trying and searching without success i am fed up...


Help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hmm, I don't know even a little deal considered I have lot's of problems myself, but the first thing I could think of is to check other, positively no-karma-loss objects (for easy find, lying around uniques like the "Vengeance" Laser-Gatling) in G.E.C.K. and see how their properties are in regard to ownership and such.


If nothing helps, you could always be so bold as to define those objects as owned by the PC, thus making them already yours, though I don't know how that would interfere with other things you plan for those things, as I said ... no real experience on those things.


Just my 0.05 cents.

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So my question is where do you define wether an object is pickable with karma loss or without karma loss?


Ownership. In the object's reference data there is a place to define the ownership of that instance of the object. It should be a tab on the Reference menu screen, which you should be able to pull up by double-clicking the item in the render window. If the ownership is set to an NPC or to a faction (or rank within a faction) to which your character doesn't belong, then taking the object is defined as stealing.


Edit: containers can have ownership, too, so be aware of that when you place items into a container


Edit #2: For future reference you should bookmark this page: the GECK Wiki Site

Edited by proconsu1
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Thanks for your replies NeofelisNebulosa and proconsu1 but sadly i am not satisfied yet...lol


To check different cells was my first idea also and i looked at New Vegas' Goodspring houses "Doc Mitchell" (where you can take every item) and the "General Store" (where you can't take any item without karma loss).

The surprising thing was that all items in both cells have no ownership references set (NPC or Faction) except the .22 Pistol in the General Store which is set to belong to the vendor. I understand the way the ownership references work for setting up items that belong to a specific NPC or Faction but i still don't get the difference between objects that can be picked with karma loss (shown red in the game) and those without karma loss (shown normal).


I don't know if i am too old or just stupid but further help would be appreciated because i wanted to built different cells with different layouts (karma loss/non karma loss).


Thanks in advance.

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Not sure I am understanding exactly what your question is. Are you saying that you have found instances of objects in FO3 where there was no ownership set on the object or the container in which it was located, and yet which still counted as stealing when picked up? Is that what you are trying to decipher? Or am I completely off base? I don't rule out the latter, cuz I am sick and doped up on Nyquil.


Edit: Meant to add, a cell can have ownership, too, just like a container. A store for example is a cell which is owned by the NPC who runs the store. So any objects which were preplaced in the cell, and which did not have any ownership specified for them, would inherit the cell ownership.

Edited by proconsu1
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Jesus i really was stupid... Thanks proconsu1 you saved my day. That was exactly the fault i made. I just duplicated a cell with the wrong settings and never thought of looking if i can change the settings for a cell. I did the GECK tutorial last year and remembered the step to duplicate a cell for lightning setup but i never really got deep into modding Fo3 so thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. Now i have learned something again and can happily continue my project.


Kudos to both of you! :thumbsup:

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