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Fallout 3 GOTY won't run after installing 1.7 patch

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It wasn't a patch I was failing to remember. It was stupid GFWL. My bad. So, first get back the working, unpatched version of the game from installing just Disc 1. Then try installing the latest version of Games For Windows Live, and then install the DLCs. And then test it. If it works, then install FOSE, which will promptly disable the stupid GFWL. :pirate: Edited by proconsu1
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If you have more than two cores you may not have compatibility with any FO3 version over 1.0.15, a fix is in the INIs. So, if you have more than two cores go to your INI and change bUseThreadedAI=0 <----- that to this -----> bUseThreadedAI=1 and make another line right after it with this -----> iNumHWThreads=2 This will limit Fallut 3 to 2 cores and fix the instability, if you have performance issues after that look for INI tweaks and mods. Another thing that could be causing it would be Windows 7, fallout 3 wasn't made for it and may have a few bugs so you might one to run in compatibility mode or look for a .dll file to fix it. I have a few more theories so get back to me if you need more help.



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