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Hey, you.. I just turned 48, so I remember the dinosaurs well.


I agree with everything you say, except I don't mind paying taxes, and I don't think the government is the actual problem.

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Hey, you.. I just turned 48, so I remember the dinosaurs well.


I agree with everything you say, except I don't mind paying taxes, and I don't think the government is the actual problem.


I wouldn't mind paying taxes, if our government would spend it wisely, and not give it away to countries that hated us, or spent it on unjustified wars.... etc.


Yeah, government is a large part of many of our problems. :D

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Hey, you.. I just turned 48, so I remember the dinosaurs well.


I agree with everything you say, except I don't mind paying taxes, and I don't think the government is the actual problem.


I wouldn't mind paying taxes, if our government would spend it wisely, and not give it away to countries that hated us, or spent it on unjustified wars.... etc.


Yeah, government is a large part of many of our problems. :D


Totally agree with this post HeyYou.

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I wouldn't mind paying taxes, if our government would spend it wisely, and not give it away to countries that hated us, or spent it on unjustified wars.... etc.



The amount of foreign aid both military and non-military is less than 1% of the Federal Budget. Wiping away that one percent would do nothing to stop the deficit issue. As a country we waste the equivalent every day before dinner. However, it's my opinion that would do more harm regarding the issue of "hating us", in fact that small investment in foreign aid does a lot of good in my opinion.


As far as unjustified wars, we were warned about the powerful military complex long ago. Do you really think cutting programs that provide social stopgaps will offset the hunger of the corporatocracy which is intent on looting and busting (and ultimately destroying) the most powerful economy on earth. Whatever country has the strongest economy that corporatocracy will move on to loot in a swarm like a plague of locusts. Those are the same people who are using the media to plant disinformation and discontent and brainwash people into voting against our best interests and our childrens best interests.


A rich man once said "it takes money to make money" or in other words I've always been able to make some more money with a little money, but with no cash flow, money dries up. We are being fleeced and it's pathetic, the corporatacracy makes Madoff look small time, and no one seems to notice while watching the sleight of hand on the squawk box.

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Do you think that the problem of fraud, waste and abuse is not shared by the private sector? Because the same people who are developing technology for "forensic auditing" are addressing the issue in the public sector.


There is waste in the private sector but it pales in comparison and the private sector does not force me to buy their products. Government by it's nature has more waste, they have almost no motive to eliminate it. They produce nothing and the more money they spend, the more power they have.

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Do you think that the problem of fraud, waste and abuse is not shared by the private sector? Because the same people who are developing technology for "forensic auditing" are addressing the issue in the public sector.


There is waste in the private sector but it pales in comparison and the private sector does not force me to buy their products. Government by it's nature has more waste, they have almost no motive to eliminate it. They produce nothing and the more money they spend, the more power they have.

I'm skeptical of your claim that there is significantly more in the public sector.


But that aside for a moment, they are highly motivated right now to eliminate it because of the economic crisis and public sentiment.


I see this differently, I see our legislators as a board of directors for our ship of state, so they are producing our infrastructure and our "public affairs" (or in other words "foreign diplomacy"), and unlike Exxon, I am represented on the US board of directors by being able to vote for a legislator who will look out for my local interests, who is accountable to me.

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Do you think that the problem of fraud, waste and abuse is not shared by the private sector? Because the same people who are developing technology for "forensic auditing" are addressing the issue in the public sector.


There is waste in the private sector but it pales in comparison and the private sector does not force me to buy their products. Government by it's nature has more waste, they have almost no motive to eliminate it. They produce nothing and the more money they spend, the more power they have.

I'm skeptical of your claim that there is significantly more in the public sector.


But that aside for a moment, they are highly motivated right now to eliminate it because of the economic crisis and public sentiment.


I see this differently, I see our legislators as a board of directors for our ship of state, so they are producing our infrastructure and our "public affairs" (or in other words "foreign diplomacy"), and unlike Exxon, I am represented on the US board of directors by being able to vote for a legislator who will look out for my local interests, who is accountable to me.


What company (without government bailouts) could run the kind of deficits that we are currently running? Exxon would have out of business a long, long time ago if they behaved like the government does. Again, assuming they can't get the government to help them out. This is the reason I oppose the bailouts, it rewards waste and corruption. Maybe you feel like your vote and opinion matter to the government but I most assuredly do not.

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Do you think that the problem of fraud, waste and abuse is not shared by the private sector? Because the same people who are developing technology for "forensic auditing" are addressing the issue in the public sector.


There is waste in the private sector but it pales in comparison and the private sector does not force me to buy their products. Government by it's nature has more waste, they have almost no motive to eliminate it. They produce nothing and the more money they spend, the more power they have.

You have to buy healthcare, you have to buy energy, you have to buy food, you have to buy virtually everything from the private sector.


Its unfair to say that the private sector doesn't force you to buy goods.


Also it seems every single topic in this section is turning into a economic debate :|

Edited by marharth
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