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Morrowind Install Question


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Recently I had a hard drive failure and it wiped out all my Morrowind files, I have Morrowind, Bloodmoon and Tribunal but it has been so long since my old install i have forgotten the correct order of install and what patches should be installed and at what stage of installation they should be applied. So any old time Morrowind players that would like to make me less clueless please advise. also i lost my complete collection of mods so any still active mod links outside of nexus would be nice.
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First, do you have the Morrowind Goty? if not this is the correct install sequence - also remember you'll need all the relvant patches from the Bethesda website for it.


  1. Morrowind.
  2. Tribunal.
  3. Bloodmoon.

The reason I asked if you have the Morrowind Goty is that disk DOES tell you the correct install, and patches each game accordingly.


As for hard drive failures, I can sympathise as I've had two, the first only wiped the data on one drive - no real loss, as the only data kept there was the O/S registry and drivers but the second was much more serious, as it wiped some of the data on EACH of my other two drives!

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