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Wanted to let people know that this modpack was floating around


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I didn't like that my diversification mod was included, but the guy was amicable to my request in return for letting him keep it in there. Others have mods in there as well, with or without permission I do not know, but I wanted to make people aware.

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Just makes more people come here asking how to fix their mods when they use those modpacks. :armscrossed: Its like a proxy DDOS. Blink. Blink.


EDIT: Also I feel for mods reuploaded there without consent, but there are ways to booby trap your mods. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE.

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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Just makes more people come here asking how to fix their mods when they use those modpacks. :armscrossed: Its like a proxy DDOS. Blink. Blink.


EDIT: Also I feel for mods reuploaded there without consent, but there are ways to booby trap your mods. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE.


It's always a little annoying to see a mod reuploaded somewhere without consent but to booby trap your mod is a pretty dick-ish practice. Sure it's your mod, but why go through the effort of making it unusable unless you download it from a specific site? Especially since the nexus is a pretty public place when it comes to mods, it's not like you're making it for a specific community like some modders do with VGU.


I understand people want to control their own content, because ultimately it is theirs, but there are chiller ways to go about doing that than slapping a chain and padlock over it.

Edited by Cdr248
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Just makes more people come here asking how to fix their mods when they use those modpacks. :armscrossed: Its like a proxy DDOS. Blink. Blink.


EDIT: Also I feel for mods reuploaded there without consent, but there are ways to booby trap your mods. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE.


It's always a little annoying to see a mod reuploaded somewhere without consent but to booby trap your mod is a pretty dick-ish practice. Sure it's your mod, but why go through the effort of making it unusable unless you download it from a specific site? Especially since the nexus is a pretty public place when it comes to mods, it's not like you're making it for a specific community like some modders do with VGU.


I understand people want to control their own content, because ultimately it is theirs, but there are chiller ways to go about doing that than slapping a chain and padlock over it.


Doesn't have to be detrimental to the operating system, geez. Annoyingly placed prompt dialogue, a magic effect that issues a randomly high value unlucky roll of the dice when making important quest finishing activations, when say...Update.esm isn't present in the load. Trap the character in a room and disable TCL...cycle through spawns of 100s of miniture selves...so they can never win and cycle through death spins over and over.


Its not dick-ish that they might be stealing someone else's intellectual work? Chiller ways? "CHILLER"? :mellow:


Ten years ago, some punk with the same attitude stole all my electronics...music, games, console, computer, tv, frikkin remotes too. Tossed it all into a quilt that was passed down 50 years in my family, and two days later showed up at my door...MY DOOR...and asked, "We good man? You chill?"


No. I wasn't chill.

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My solution was to include a book somewhere in the mod. The book would give the actual provenance of the mod and that it was not supposed to be uploaded anywhere else or included in any compilation, and if they didn't get it directly from wherever I specified then they had a bogus copy and were on their own for support. Removing the book broke the mod as it was a quest item. ( the book itself, not the contents of the book) If they left the book in, it would still work, but anyone playing the mod would eventually read that book. Reading anything found and talking to any stray NPC you came across was the only way to solve some of the puzzles in the mod. Sometimes talking to an NPC would lead you to a book or note that led you right back to the same NPC with a new question, and a changed quest objective. :cool:


A reasonably competent modder could rewrite the book, but if the person making the compilation was a reasonably competent modder, they would know that compilations are not really a good idea. The quest was essentially Find this lost book and return it to me and I will consider you enough of a friend to trust you with another task. Without the book, the mod just stalled. I guess you could use the console to advance the quest, but I was just looking for something simple at the time. - And, no that mod was never released as it was never finished.


If pushed I'm sure I could come up with something a little more in depth. Possibly involving a puzzle later in the mod that relied on reading that book or another one again. We can play games with Item ref numbers and possibly game mechanics, but you can spend too much time on this and not enough on actually working on the mod.


I was also working on a way to keep players from using the console to unlock doors ahead of time. One way I came up with was after they used the console to unlock, on opening the door, a script checked to see if that key was present in the players inventory, If not, they went somewhere they weren't expecting. I didn't just drop them through the floor, but if it was a cave, they were transported to a different cave. And lost their quest marker. Going back through the door did not go back to the same place. (For the curious, it was FO3, and the new cave was the Deathclaw sanctuary :devil: )

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Doesn't have to be detrimental to the operating system, geez. Annoyingly placed prompt dialogue, a magic effect that issues a randomly high value unlucky roll of the dice when making important quest finishing activations, when say...Update.esm isn't present in the load. Trap the character in a room and disable TCL...cycle through spawns of 100s of miniture selves...so they can never win and cycle through death spins over and over.


Its not dick-ish that they might be stealing someone else's intellectual work? Chiller ways? "CHILLER"? :mellow:


Ten years ago, some punk with the same attitude stole all my electronics...music, games, console, computer, tv, frikkin remotes too. Tossed it all into a quilt that was passed down 50 years in my family, and two days later showed up at my door...MY DOOR...and asked, "We good man? You chill?"


No. I wasn't chill.


I wasn't saying you'd give the players I virus I mean't that a modder, who puts the kinds of measures that you just described, is a bit of a dick head in my view.


And you must be delusional if you think that someone uploading one of your mods in a modpack and crediting you (albeit without your permission) is comparable to you literally getting robbed. I don't support the modpack guy's actions but I don't think it's worth making a fuss over. If you care so much then just ask the guy to take it down (my proposed chill method) instead of actively attempting to punish users who are ultimately not involved in the conflict (an unchill method).


I think modders should have the right to do it and I'm not saying they shouldn't, but I honestly don't think they should, if you get what I mean.




I should probably mention I'm talking more about modpacks and credited reuploads onto other sites. If someone takes your mod and claims it as your own then that's some bs right there son. Although I still think that setting up measures to prevent such a thing is still silly.

Edited by Cdr248
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Whether it is physical property or intellectual property, theft is theft. Anything in that compilation that was not included with the author's permission is stolen content, making the the compilation creator a mod thief. As for "punishing" a user of said compilation, I find that justified. The users show the mod thieves that there is a "market" for what they are doing, enabling the behavior. No different than being in possession of stolen goods, which, in this case, the users are.

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