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A little help regarding enb's and this build


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Hey guys, I'm currently building my first "gaming" pc, and when I have it I want to make sure I can run a particular enb (Bleak enb) at atleast over 30 fps constantly at 1080p. So I was wondering if, an FX 8320 and a r9 280 3GB would be able to do that? Also 8GB of ram of course. I've searched the internet for benchmarks with my specific parts but found nothing.



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I go along with i5.


Skyrim needs really good single thread performance. FX 8320 are not designed for that. It is no match for my old i7 2600k that I bought even before Skyrim came out. A modern i5 (i5 4690k) would be a good upgrade even for me.


I can do a constant 30fps at 4k with ENB using my GTX 980 ti sc. The trouble is I get minor script issues at that frame rate. I play at 1440 in the high 50s instead. I have learned that I need to be at least in the high 40s to keep Skyrim happy.


At 1080 my old GTX 970 would run in the low 50s with ENB. When I bought a 4k monitor I replaced the 970 with a 980. The 980 is the perfect card for running at 1080. I got a constant 60fps with ENB.


I could only recommend a GTX 960 4 gb or equivalent to run Skyrim at 1080 with ENB. It has about the same performance as my old GTX 680 4gb & it ran in the high 40s.


I play a maxed out Skrim that will only run for 30 seconds without the skse memory patch. People that run with less mods & textures would get better performance.



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Get a gpu with 8gh vram. So you could mod more with fallout 4. I guess.


4 to 6GB VRAM would be enough. He won't be able to run moded game in 4k (to fill that 8GB) on budget mid range card anyway and I'm not sure if going crossfire is such good idea right now. Next year we will see more HBM cards > drop in price on old GDDR5 cards and used models.

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