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Skooma Hillucinations?


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I have and use Sernomicus skooma addiction http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2696 and was wondering if it would be possible to make it so that during the withdrawl stages the game will play random dialogue to simulate hearing voices every once in a while and randomly summon creatures (large and small) that will appear to attack you or do things, but would be unable to touch you? Something that nobody else would react to and that would disappear like a summoned spell after a few minutes? I haven't been able to contact the creator, and according to the web site the last time he logged in was two years ago. Edited by kittie887
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I'm not sure about Skooma, but if you take Greenmote once or twice, your vision becomes fuzzy, and of course, third time is death. Does that count?


er.. no. I was specifically asking about that specific mod.. if it could be added to it.

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I don't have that mod, but I have some ideas on how you can do what you describe. Make a new quest that keeps track of the last time you took some skooma (if the mod doesn't have some way to do this, I think you can add a script to the skooma so that on activate, it sets a variable in the quest script). After a certain amount of time passes, it would have a random chance of playing sounds (you'll have to record your hallucinated conversations in the misc -> sound tab).


For hallucinating someone attacking you, I guess you could have your quest script move an "xheadingmarker" to the player, then enable a level 1 NPC with 0 in all stats that only has a use weapon or magic AI package at the marker. You'll probably want the npc to use custom weapons or spells that will do 0 damage to the player.

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Yes, this mod should be made!

I suggested something like this a while back, too, but no one took up the offer.


Unfortunately I have no modding skill to do such things, but my question has been successfully answered and I'm pleased with it. Thank you very much! I do agree it should be made too! I hope someone with some modding skills can see this and pick it up.

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