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Erasing the past


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I have played Skyrim for over 3000 hours. And as many of you have gone through the quest over and over again. I finally wanted to just stroll around and meet the interesting and inconsequential NPCs. Go to the new lands and quests without the bother of the original game.


So I decided to start a clean build with this save game... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33907/? I went into the racemenu and made my Dunmer character and met Vilja so we can stroll through Skyrim together.


But alas Vilja points out that it is quite strange that a Dunmer sided with the Stormcloaks. She is right. My allies in the Blue Palace hate me and Ulfric thinks I'm his friend.


Can someone help me erase my past? It would be interesting to stroll through Skyrim as a Dunmer who fought on the loosing side. The Nords rule and still think I'm a low life.


Any help?

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Why did join them in the first place if that the case?


Civil war overhaul can make you lose the war, but it needs a new game. May as well start a new one with the base game start, ignore the main quest and think that you are a ex-storm cloak

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