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Okay. So, they storm a high school said traffic in illegal drugs. They use high grade fire arms and scream for the students to lay face down. They also use drug-sniffing dogs.


So, one would think, with such extreme actions, they would turn up a metric ton of cocain, or weed. But no.


Guess what they found. Not one thing. Not even a single joint. Although they reported the drug-sniffing dogs did point out twelve back packs that "smelled" like drugs.



S.W.A.T. teams, coming to a high school near you! :ph34r:

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Well, what is there to discuss? A SWAT team burst into a school, guns flailing, and found nothing. Everyone knows the American justice system is insane! :P


*Quickly runs in case there are any patriotic people nearby*

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Nothing the Americans do surprises me. I have been there many times and hear the most outrageous stories. We have a few in the UK but not so many. Of course the Govenment here plans to make it illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to kiss so perhaps that's as bad.


Roll on the end of the world!

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lol how sad, i just left highschool a few years ago and it didn't seem nearly that bad. I think the worst was getting busted for jumping the gate and ditching school, and that was if you got caught. Although the schools in california could be a bit different than in other parts of the US...
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hehe..how good was that..Larkham..(?) intercept/try?!


My god...if damn SWAT people came to our school...I would not be surprised if all these homie/derro fellas started to pick em....well what could you expect from a queensland highschool :P

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:rip: USA


Thank god this place isn't PC... though with the amount of poms on here, I'd doubt it!


Still, us Aussies shall flog thee come the Finals of the world cup!

Amen to that! Aussies will dominate the World Cup :D :D :D


*Starts singing national anthem*

*can't remeber 2nd verse* :oops: :stupid:

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