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need pajamas for sleepwear


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I am trying to fix the system so that people actually change clothes when they go to bed. Or even when they are just at home. I would like to have a couple of different pajamas. Even if they are the same thing that has just been textured differently.


Can anyone model me a large shirt, or undershirt or something like that? Or if you have any other ideas I would be glad to take them. But with scripting, arranging, texturing, and stuff, I have not been able to figure out modeling yet.


If I don't get any takers, I guess I will have to give it a shot.


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Thanks for the replies. I honestly never thought of the mining clothes. DERP!


Maybe if I can figure out how to get rid of that long hanging rope belt the other one would work too.


Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it.

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