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What does your username mean?


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An interesting thread in my opinion.


This is the first time i have ever used HellsMaster as a nickname. It was quite random i guess.


My usual name is TU (The Unrepentant) as i do not forgot nor say sorry (quite rude i know).


So whats your explanation?


My most used name is Xcaltar which is the hero from my book i am writing :3



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ive taken my user name from a song by an anarcho punk band from the 70s/80s called crass, they had a song called major general despair, but as that is to long for a nick i shortened it to majordespair and use it on almost all forums and emails. my portrait symbol is also from crass.
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Thought it was a funny ploy on 'superman'. Later found it's the code name for a Nazi supersoldier project. Whoops.


If it were in proper German, it's be Ubermensch with an umlaut I can't type.

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Mine is a shade of red spelled funny.

Hurr durr



I feel retarded for not having a deeper meaning than that

Edited by krimzin
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My username is the combination of my middle name 'Xan' and my last name 'Alder'. The 'on' was just added to make it sound better.


Also if your wondering why my middle name is Xan, it's the name of a villian in a book my dad was reading at the time of my birth lol.

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Mine is a play on words. Since I'm far from a "nitwit" (most days anyway, lol), I liked switching it up to mean the opposite. A witty person on the internet, might thus be called a "netwit." 2008 is when I created it for an alternate e-mail address. I have used netwit with different years, depending on where I use it at.
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