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Damm....I See Dead People


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Hi there, im kinda new and all that stuff....but something happened here the other day that i feel like sharing, cause im awesome like that.... hehe


So anyways, im lurking around the main ingredient looking for a key to the basement (doing the "thievery in the imperial city" mod by jog, great mod btw) and i start talking to the shop dude, i ask him about rumors and he goes "did you hear that Amantius Allectus (think that was his name any ways) got killed the other night, they say the house was ransacked" very tragic indeed, or at least it would have been, had it not been for the fact that when i turned arround i was facing Amantius....kinda amused about the situation, i talk to him and he goes..."did you hear Amantius Allectus was killed the other night...blah blah blah".... im glad he was there to confirm the rumor.....



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It's a mucking of the script. If you really want to see dead people, try the going to Leyawiin during the "Allies for Bruma" quest.


Something that adds flavor of the scenery there is a dead Leyawiin City Watchman outside of the gate. Thing is, this fellow follows the same "re-life every three days" routine you find with all guards, so should you ever revisit the city afterwards, you'll meet this rather cadaverous-looking guard who stands in the middle of the road and doesn't move— at all. Not even the idling gestures of an NPC occur with this fellow, and he can be killed by a single blow from a mudcrab.


My latest incarnation of Cassie-the-assassin acquired her customary Cheydinhal uniform by a new technique for her— she shoved a Poisoned Apple down the maw of one of the guards. Every time this particular guard respawns, he carries over the Deadly Poison effect.


Now every time she returns home from a week of adventures, one of her coworkers greets her with an anguished shout, then topples over.

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"did you hear that Amantius Allectus (think that was his name any ways) got killed the other night, they say the house was ransacked"


Well it's just a rumor. A false one this time. The house was ransacked (by you!), but he wasn't killed. I think this is the only rumor in game that is actually false.


Of course, you could make it true... :ph34r:

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