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Skyrim - Mod Idea - Mod Merging


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I have an idea for a mod. It's called:



It's kind of a merge of these three mods:


- Third Era Attributes


- Character Creation overhaul


- Skyrim XP (Yet to be released)


It replaces the (Health) (Magicka) (Stamina) option you get when you level up with a list of the classic attributes. You will be given 12 attribute points (6 as seen from Arena) when you level up. instead of grinding to get +5 every time you level up these attribute points will be stackable. Your current attributes will be accessible by a button on the skills screen. So you will no longer need the use of a power to display your attributes. example: (Attributes)


You will be able to choose a class that will actually show up on the skills screen. It will be somewhere where there is unused space. Or you can choose a custom class and name the class anything you want. If the name is to long the name will be replaced by a button called (Class) which will show the name of your custom class in a message box.


The way you level up will be similar to many xp systems found in other rpgs. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, world of warcraft etc. Unlike SkyXP and SXP where you use experience points to level up skills. It will use the same way as Oblivion XP except a little different.


Instead of showing this:








It will show this:








(Old needed xp plus New needed xp is what is displaying if you guys are confused)


This is the way it was displayed in D&D and all others.


Skills are chosen upon level up after you choose your Attributes. Little up and down arrows are displayed on the side of each skill tree. This is just to make it look fun and interesting. You will get 26 skill points per level. Every 25 points in one skill will increase the cost by three points. The base cost for a skill will depend on your specialized skills, major skills, and racial skills. Skills you are not trained in will obviously be more costly to increase.




Base Cost 4


Racial, Specialized, Major Skills Reduced by 1


Cost increases by 3 per 25 points in one skill.


If you use the Community Uncapper this will get quite impossible or slow to increase your skills beyond a certain point. So to compensate for this loss I will make use of the faction system. You can now check the status with the factions you are members with. It will also display your faction rank. When you join a faction you will get a bonus of 2 points added to your skill point pool per level. Getting a promotion in a faction will increase this bonus by 1 for the first promotion and by 2 for the second promotion. Any promotions after that will increase radioactively.


Your fame and infamy also play a major role, yet both act differently when increased.


- When FAME is increased the cost for all skills is reduced by 2 for every 5 points of fame.


- When INFAMY is increased 3 points will be added to your skill point pool for every 7 points of infamy. (spp for short)


Your fame and infamy will be shown in the journal/player status menu. As was from Oblivion.


If you guys like the idea please post! :smile:

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to start off... wrong forum dude, there's this place called "Skyrim Mod Talk" that exists for this kinda thing link: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/420-skyrim-mod-talk/



second though, i would give it a try... i think. im a bit lost on the idea. so are you saying you want to give us an leveling system similar to the Fallout one or do you mean something closer to games like KOTOR?

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I mean to give you an xp system closer to kotor. My system is designed to award the player with extra skill points on level up depending on how they play the game.


If a person is good then they will recieve an over all skill point cost reduction. If a person is evil they will recieve 2 extra skill points. Mess something up and your sure to get punished. The new leveling system I have designed is to blend the character building system with the story, lore, and quests of skyrim.


basicly you will be given the illusion of choice. How you react in certain situations effects how you level in the game. If you spend all your time doing quests and not joining any guilds in the game then you will certainly put some amount pressure on yourself.


PS: Is it possible for someone to move this topic to the location that you said? I don't like to confuse people.

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First off... I am now just starting a programming class in college. So it will be some time before I can actually do this.


If anyone would like to take this idea under their wing then please do not hesitate to ask. :blush: If you like you can modify this this project any way you want.

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