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Would anyone like to help me finish a mod?


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So I saw a request on here that I liked, which is to have Serana join the College of Winterhold after Dawnguard, instead of being lonely with vampire hunters. So I'm trying to create it. In TES5Edit I changed Serana to wear college mage robes and added her to the College faction. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/557484/?


What I'm getting hung up on is:


1. I don't know how to spawn her to the college where that will be her home base. With other NPCs there is a XLCN Persistent Location setting, which is set to the college. There is no option for that on Serana's page, maybe because she follows you all the time and doesn't stay in one place?


2. I want to assign her a bed to sleep in the Hall of Attainment with the other mages but I cant find a bed to "copy to override" and set the ownership to Serana.


I would love if somebody can help me out. I'll send you the ESP.



Edited by Hexxagone
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Basically you need to set it up in CK.
Trying to do what your wanting with TES5Edit alone is futile and like banging your head on a wall.

Don't get me wrong TES5Edit is awesome, but not for doing what your trying to do.
CK does suck and i hate it with passion, but really it's what you need to be using to set it up quickly and quite easily with a little trial and error.

Basically you set up an quest with an Alias for Serena.
On the alias you can add Factions, Inventory, AI Packages, Script for her to wear the College outfit, etc.

When you complete the the Dawngaurd questline and Serena is free of any further quests, then you start the Quest with her Alias and she trottles off to the College and starts her new routine.

This way your not actually editing Serena at all so you'll have less chance of other mod conflicts.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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