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what does Weight efffect?


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hello i was wondering what does Weight effect? i see it there and don't know what to do with it as well i have no idea what it effects height i understand but weight? no clue does it mess with encumbeance? or what does it mess with?
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The heavier an item is, the more of your encumbrance it takes up. If you are carrying too many items, you will be told that you are over-encumbered and cannot move. The amount of weight you can carry is determined by your strength, although Feather enchantments can affect the weight as well.
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The heavier an item is, the more of your encumbrance it takes up. If you are carrying too many items, you will be told that you are over-encumbered and cannot move. The amount of weight you can carry is determined by your strength, although Feather enchantments can affect the weight as well.


Uh..... The OP is asking about weight of race. If you give less weight to a race, you may see actors from the race being slender.

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I believe LFact is correct in that the height:weight ratio affects the build of the character/NPC which is how the Altmer are slender and Bosmer males are stocky. The OP may not be aware that height affects the speed of the character. All else being equal, an Altmer is always faster than a Bosmer.
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I believe LFact is correct in that the height:weight ratio affects the build of the character/NPC which is how the Altmer are slender and Bosmer males are stocky. The OP may not be aware that height affects the speed of the character. All else being equal, an Altmer is always faster than a Bosmer.


Isn't that built into racial skill bonuses, though?

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That's a different thing altogether. If you made a short Altmer they would be slower than normal Altmers (Altmeri?) even though both would have the racial bonus.


edit. I don't know how big a difference it makes and just threw it in there for interest's sake.

Edited by wetblanket
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I recall making a dwarf type NPC for my SFK mod, and the height slider didn't affect speed. It might just be a skeleton alteration it performs. If I had the CS here I could easily confirm or disprove if it affects speed, but no such luck.
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If it does affect speed, it's easy to change it back by giving the shorter NPCs a speed boost under racial abilities. However, racial abilities are only the baseline. A khajiit may begin with 10 more speed than a Bosmer, but the Bosmer can still train up his speed to match that and be an equal speed.
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