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setting up donations with OUT paypal.


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hey i dont expect i will get any donations being a noob modder, but is there anyway to setup a way to donate WITHOUT paypal? the reason being is well, paypal SUCKS they had locked me out of my account despite the fact no additional transactions have been done for months with NO APPEAL.


the last time i did a transaction on paypal was like a year ago, and i would check the account occasinaly mainly to make sure havent forgotton the password and to check it hasent been hacked. but i log in to get this message:


Why is my account access limited?

  • Apr 6, 2014: We noticed one or more of the following problems:

    • You provided information that we believe was false, inaccurate, or misleading; or
    • You sent or received money that was potentially related to fraudulent activity; or
    • You have more than one account with a negative balance; or
    • You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, or another agreement you have with PayPal.
    Our decision was based on terms outlined in these agreements.

    Because of this, we've limited your accounts and can no longer offer our services to you. You'll still be able to log in to view your transaction history, but you won't be able to send or receive money.

(Your case ID for this reason is PP-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.)

This limitation cannot be appealed.


that is complete crap i have done NOTHING wrong and DO NOT have another account with negative balance. the sad thing is paypal lets peaple who aculy DO break rules get away with stuff, while me they want to steal 20$. yes i had only 20$ in the account, it was money donated for a server so that i could get a server up and going for hl2 deathmatch, so they lock me out of the DONATED money for no reason.


so i ask there are better alternatives to greedy corrupt paypal but unfortinatly meany sites only use the crap paypal. anyway to setup donations WITHOUT crappal?

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Apr 6, 2014: We noticed one or more of the following problems:

  • You provided information that we believe was false, inaccurate, or misleading; or
  • You sent or received money that was potentially related to fraudulent activity; or
  • You have more than one account with a negative balance; or
  • You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, or another agreement you have with PayPal.

Was the donated money - donated as a gift or was it given for the specific purpose of buying the server which never happened ?? - could be one or more of the donators contacted them and said they donated money and you did not follow through with the purpose of the donation - which could make them think it was "fraud" and thus they suspended the account. (esp if you just left the account sitting for a year and never opened the deathmtches.)

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it was donations from another server not related to fallout nv or the nexus, its just reason cant accept paypal, if look it up paypal has screwed over several peaple i told the original donater of the money and he wasent happy about what they did. maby i could just have him retract it and redonate it but then would that hurt my credit? also even if were to get this fixed with paypal, i do not trust them anymore, glad anymouse attacked that fraud company and cost them millions, hope they do it aggain they desrve it.


and no it was just a single donator that donated and he never got mad at me for not being able to get the server back up as he more of donated it as a firend. and we still talk

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