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Pirates in Waterfront attack after "Best Thief"


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After starting "May the Best Thief Win", I started for the Temple District, and jumped on the Marie Elena and then onto the other shore of the IC (obviously my Acrobatics skill level was high enough), all the while invisible via a spell. On the way back, I'd jumped back the same way. After handing in the diary, I headed back for the IC proper, to loot the jewelry store, but the Pirates of the Marie Elena had suddenly become hostile, I suspect because I'd set foot on their ship. Will they calm down on their own if I run away, or should I just kill them now?


I might just go with the latter, since I'll be coming back for the captain of the Marie Elena in the associated Dark Brotherhood quest, and killing the crew now would mean less hassle later, and since they're already hostile, it wouldn't be murder now.



Only the Redguard Pirate seems to be passive towards me, probably because he was facing away from me when I landed on the ship both times, even though I was invisible.

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They probably won't calm down, although I can't say for sure. It's OK to go ahead and kill them...they aren't necessary for the DB quest.


Of course, you could always let them hit you once, and then the guards will take care of them for you. :wink:

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From the UESP walkthrough Notes section:

Any pirate you do not kill, will, upon completion of this quest, remain looking for you in the Waterfront District in order to kill you.

Doesn't sound like they're destined to survive meeting you ... another 'player home' when you're done.

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